But, since my alert reader Stephanie brought this to my attention, I thought I should share it with all of you (I should be above such juvenile humor, but I'm not). I suspect this group is known in local circles, but...
Anyway, this is a Urology group in Texas, whose members include Dr. Wang, Dr. Hardemann, and (of course) Dr. Dick Chopp.

Sorry, Drs. Wang, Hardemann, and Chopp, but I'm sure you guys hear the jokes all the time. Plus, there's no such thing as bad publicity!
For those of you who don't believe me, here's their website.
And a great big Dr. Grumpy thank you to Stephanie!
Epic. Simply Epic.
wow. I hope they have some sort of traffic tracker - they'll be wondering where all these hits they'll surely be getting came from!
Dewey, Cheatham, and Howe--lawyer group mentioned by someone on PBS (? Click & Clack Brothers)
And to think I was worried when I discovered before my surgery (15 minutes pre-op) this summer that my anesthesiologist's name was Dr. Nutter....
Dr Chopp did my friend's vasectomy...no lie
Best I ever saw for a humerous name was "Dr. D. Doctor", he is a surgeon at a hospital I did a rotation at.
In Toledo, OH, there is a urologist named Richard Tapper. Yes, his nickname is the obvious.
And not a word about "Randy Fagin?"
GradStudent- I was totally thinking that too. They might think that they are suddenly going to get an influx of new patients or something.
And one guy's first name is "Randy"!
Depending on regional pronounciation, you may have overlooked another unique name...
Dr. "Hose"-er
Maybe it is "House"-er, but it's still another ironic name in the group...
Oh...Dr. Elizabeth has her "houser" hoser?
Oh...I wonder if Dr Glesler has a geyser
and Dr. Fagin.....I am not toching that one!
Classic. Dr. Wang should seriously consider a new first name as well. I don't think I'd want anyone named Lester up in my junk. Perhaps it's as well he didn't match up with OB/GYN?
Interesting, though not necessarily relevant - when I visted the actual website, what jumped out at me was that ALL OF THE DOCTORS HAVE UNNATURALLY WHITE TEETH! Group discount on whitening? Photoshopped? Enquiring minds want to know. Weird.
LOL I thought I had it bad with my majorly ethnic name that's butchered by all those who come across it! That's hilarious!
Let's see...I've known a Dr Hacker (a surgeon), and a Dr Butt (an internist)...darn, there's gotta be more!
not to mention Dr. Randy
Well in my area we have an OBGYN named Dr Lance Holemon as well as another named Dr Bush (also OBGYN). They had no choice but to specialize below the waist...
What no commentary on the penis-lovin' Randy Faggin?
They all look like nice people.
As God is my witness, until at least the mid 1990s there was an OB/GYN in suburban Virginia named Harry Beaver.
It never fails to amaze me how many professionals seem to be pointed to their careers based on the irony sure to be stirred by their surnames. Or their temperaments, hehe.
Even funnier, Dr Chopp is "well known in the Austin community for performing vasectomies."
I quote him "There are more vasectomies to be done"
It gets worse - look at Dr Chopp's profile, and I quote:
Dr. Richard (Dick) Chopp is well known in the Austin community for performing Vasectomies.
Guess he takes his name to a new level
I've heard of a couple of Dr. Pons in neurology.
Not funny, just appropriate :)
Dr Hardeman does penile implants. Priceless.
There's a dentist in my area named Dr. Sueme.
Dr.Graves(my ex-dentist,deceased now). Anyone with such
a name should not be working on people(or their teeth).
That's great!
My dentist's name is Dr. Smilovitz.
I figured he was destined to be a dentist.
There is a urologist in my hometown in Central Illinois named Dr. Leak.
There's an overnight ER doc near me named Dr Rasch. I told him once that with a name like that he ought to have been a dermatologist instead...
word verification "lessized". Not encouraging in a post about urologists.
I've known gynecologists named Dr. Finger and Dr. DeCunto.
Maybe a Korean gynecologist, Dr. Hoo Ha?
See, you KNOW that Dr. Chopp is doing it on purpose. He could go by "Rick" or "Rich" or "Richie" or hell, even "Skip" if he wanted to. Opting for the always-controversial "Dick" is just wrong.
Worked with a Pathologist named Dr. Hackman.
Golden opportunity missed, when he decided to go into general surgery instead of urology:
And to end it all there is (was? the
Long Funeral Service
in Cambridge MA.
BTW: There is a real sign in a second floor Harvard Square window for "Dewey Cheatham and How."
I know an OB/GYN named Dr. Wang and a coroner named Dr. Grim.
I know of an OB/GYN named Dr. Feeley and a DDS named Dr. Fang.
I had an OBGYN named Dr. Kil.
I never know how to choose a Dr when I move to a new area so I just go down the insurance list. I had no choice but to go with Dr. Busch of course.
I've always been fond of a local Dentist. Her name is Dr. Payne. I really imagine her name inspired great confidence in all of her patients.
I knew a butcher once whose name is Cutts.
my hubby had a vasecetomy fro Debenadictus-he didnt see the humor?
Did anyone else notice that one of Dr. Hardeman's specialties is erectile dysfunction?
So... Dr. Wang was totally my Dad's urologist. Um. Yeah. Mom may have laughed at him at first, thinking he was joking. Small world!
I've seen a Dr. Hand in OB/GYN and a Dr. Kwak
I know of a surgeon named Dr Ghori and a urologist named Dr Arweeni
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