So this one came over a few minutes ago from a company called The Physicians Exchange, for a phone answering service.
I think they need to get a better website address.....
(click to enlarge)

A Blog detailing the insanity of my medical practice and the stupidity of everyday life.
ya think so, I think it's cheeky!
and think about it....they send this to you, you see the website..think it's a poor choice of webaddress...and then you post it here...for other dr.'s nurses etc to read...great marketing scheme these guys got going huh?
I work for a company part time called "The Camel Towing Co." They are an animal entertainment company...they give camel rides to kids at events and also do live nativity plays around Christmas....think that name's a coincidence? As a woman, you just got to love wearing your work shirt that says right across your chest..."Camel Towing".... :)
"Good Morning, Dover Auto Sales, Ben speaking...
Perhaps the company was started by Christine Jorgensen?
BTW, I met her high school of all places.
That is excellent.
Would've never guessed of reaching to that demographic. Imagine the gold mine they're making, all those confused doctors.
Camel Towing...bwahahahaha!
Maybe they offer something on the side. :P
Reminds me of the poor town of Scunthorpe, in England... their town's website kept getting blocked by filtering software.
Are sex changes in doctors different in other groups? Didn't know. Maybe it's because of all the giant...well, you know. I think we've all met a few of them.
I once saw a delivery truck emblazoned with "No one can beat our meat." Catchy, but I'm vegetarian. ;-)
Oooooooooh! I've met Ben Dover and his wife Eileen!!! Seriously, I hope the physicians drop their s...
This is almost as fun as one of the greatest poorly named web sites of all time... Good ol' Pen Island. The website still exists. Dr. Grumpy, wouldn't you love to have some Custom pens from C'mon... ya know you want to. Hell, you could always look for a Therapist with
One wonders sometimes, if the people who make up these web dresses actually read them before purchasing them...
Many years ago, I used to work as a temp in a large office building. The poor girl tasked with staffing the podium at the main entrance was also a temp, and not the sharpest tool in the shed. The secretaries in the office pods near where I worked used to pull Bart Simpson-style pranks on her.
They'd call her up, and ask her to page someone over the building's overhead speakers. I'd be sitting at my desk and hear, "Would Sal Manella please report to the conference room? Sal Manella?"
Then there'd be a burst of giggling from around the corner.
Good times.
Made you look twice, and all of us.
I like that second to last paragraph:
"You will find them a pleasure to interact with and feel pleased with their attention to detail."
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