Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Yes, I'm a geek

Dear Starbucks,

Due to the cold spell, I stopped off for some hot caffeine this morning, and noticed you were selling a polar bear cookie.

Technically, I think they're polar bear pi. But that's just me.

The price of $1.25 seemed like a good deal. I figured they'd be $3.14.

Yours truly,

Dr. Grumpy


OMDG said...

Dude. You really are a nerd.

Grumpy, M.D. said...

Yes (sigh).

Kate said...

I hope they sell those cookies nationwide, otherwise, you live in my city. Because I said the exact same thing last Sunday at a meeting at Starbucks. And everyone looked at me funny.

Sigh. I fit in here on your blog.

Thank GOD.

GlassHospital said...

I had one of those last week at the Starbucks in the Tulsa airport.

I was disappointed since they looked so good. Tasted a little cardboardy. Bland cardboard at that. Real cardboard tastes a little richer.

JUNIOR said...

So did you ever find out what other holidays are polar bear themed? (I just read an old post of yours talking about the bright cashier talking about polar bear cookies)

Grumpy, M.D. said...

Not yet.

Alba said...

i hope they are not pi polar.

Kimbra Kasch said...

I mentioned those cookies this morning - well actually two guys behind me mentioned them first...you weren't behind me at SB were you?

IMQTPI said...

My friend sent me one of these for Christmas one year


My husband (an Electronics Engineer Geek) didn't "get it!"

(BTW - Good one, Alba!)

the blonde md said...

Awesome!! I want one... unfortunately 1.25 would be about $5 when I'm done with school and start paying back my loans..

Val said...

Unfortunately I live too far out of town from you (Wales, UK) to buy one of those. That doesn't stop me wanting one, though.

Oh hey - and it could've been worse. It could've been a Bi-Polar Bear.

J-Quell'n said...

Starbucks is my new favorite obsession!

Not House said...

At least you're not a Gleek.

Sandra said...

Why all the sighs? Nerd is a compliment!

I am a nerd, too, and proud of it! :-)

middle child said...

Oh crap! Now I'm hungry.

Anonymous said...

how come the bear has six legs?

Grumpy, M.D. said...

I think that's the one behind it.

Either that or it's a Hurkle, from Lirht.

The Mother said...

Does it say anything about my sons that whenever they make pie (with an e) they cut out a pi (no e) and stick it on top for decoration?

Or maybe that they make pie at all?

Fizzy said...

You might be even nerdier than my husband :P

Helen said...

Yep, a nerd.

Either way, those are cute! Now I'm going to have to eat one.

Bonnie said...

Um, does anyone else think the bear got bit by a vampire? That's the first thing *I* thought.

Anonymous said...

I assume that pi represents the value of theta in the polar coordinate system?

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Dr. Grumpy you can always get Nexium to treat your N.E.R.D. it might even be tier II by now.

L said...

Ah, I love math. And cookies. It's a win win situation for everyone.

Morris said...

"Alba said...
i hope they are not pi polar."

Ouch! :)

mcgee said...

I didn't see pi. I saw "throat cut to bleed out after shooting" (it's deer season).

Justin said...

And here my first thought was, "Wow, I can't believe they are selling cookies depicting a polar bear with it's throat cut".

Anonymous said...

My whole nerdy family indulges in pie on March 14th every year.....

Grumpy, M.D. said...

Well, March 14 is Einstein's birthday.

watercolordaisy said...

I saw bleeding throat, too. lol. Too many crime shows?? I had to look again to find pi.

RP said...

*pout* sigh...I have yet to see those cookies here in So. Ca.

Anonymous said...

March 14th is 3-14...hence the pie day. Is it really Einstein's birthday or are you just goofin'?

Jacob said...

Pi? Oh...got it. That's a nice scarf.
3.141592653589793238462643383279593993... :) Nerds rule.

Was there any sort of filling? It looks kind of like a moon pie (which would have been even more ironic).

terri c said...

You may be a nerd but I am boring. I saw a scarf.

Wv: forpi, no joke.

Grumpy, M.D. said...

I'm serious. Einstein was born March 14, 1879.

Anonymous said...

It is better to be a nerd than a geek, or a dweeb.

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