Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Not a good sign

It's never a good sign (at least in a neurology practice) when this shows up on a new patient form:

(click to enlarge)


ER's Mom said...


Thanks, I needed a laugh.

Anonymous said...

Wait, though, I might be able to understand that. When my son was sick and in the hospital, we saw so many people that I started not knowing who was who! Also, after filling out form after form after form, you start to lose it, especially with some of the questions. There is an urgent care/family practice here that we go to because it's convenient, and every time we go we have to fill out a form that specifically wants to know if we have our spleens. It kind of creeps me out. Why on earth must they know if I have my spleen when I go in because I cut my finger and need to have it patched up? Are they going to knock me out and harvest my spleen? DON'T TOUCH MY SPEEN! GO AWAY! NOOOOOO!!! EVIL ZOMBIES!!!!!

Whew. ;-)

Anonymous said...

I am not a medical professional but spleens are related to platlets and one can be supciptable to infection easier without one. Any medical people out there???? Am I close?

John Woolman said...

Interesting that it is good, clear handwriting with an appropriately placed apostrophe. Or did a relative (or Mary) write it for her...?

(Word verification "regobene" - sounds like something suitable for a constipated drug rep!

Texas Pharmacy Chica said...


Sue Denyhm said...

At least you knew (given this evidence) that there was an appropriate reason for the referral.

Anonymous said...

that is like when a shrink gets a referral and under psych problems they get "none". Not a good sign at all.

Anonymous said...

low platelets make you prone to bleeding.

low white blood cells make you prone to infection.

lack of spleen actually can increase your platelets, i believe, which makes you prone to clots, and therefore strokes, heart attacks or pulmonary emboli.

but it does decrease the effectiveness of the immune system, although i think it's related to the WBCs.

Anonymous said...

spleen is a secondary lymphoid organ. let me explain this in simple word. spleen has abundant macrophages, which can sense abnormalities of red blood cells(RBC) and pletlet. abnormal and old RBC and pletlet are removed from circulation by spleen. so many conditions in which spleen gets bigger that would remove more pletlet even if they are normal, leading to decrese the count of pletlet.

Anonymous said...

That's me! I can never, ever remember names. I'd be able to tell you what the doctor's hobbies were and what he or she was wearing, but the name would be gone 5 minutes after the introduction.

Wait, so this isn't normal?

remclave said...

Um... (redfacehere) that happens to me a lot. I'm more apt to remember the characters in a book that I enjoyed than a person's name....

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