Thursday, May 13, 2010

Attention staff!

I made myself some tea this morning.

If I catch the person who filled the little lemon juice thing with Tabasco sauce, your ass is FIRED!


Denethal said...

bwahahaha, woke you up, didn't it? ;)

The Mother said...

What did you do to Mary and Annie yesterday?

Look at it this way--it wasn't ground glass.

Anonymous said...

Wait until you find out there was ex-lax in the tea bag.....

Anonymous said...

Isn't it nice that your office staff respects you so much??? What's your address so I can send them some flowers? :-)

Minni VanDyke said...

That's even worse than the time my mom switched around the salt and sugar containers on my dad, and he went for a bowl of Cheerios with heaping spoonfuls of "sugar" on top .....

Mop said...

luckily lemon juice and tabasco sauce are different colors, so hopefully you looked into your tea before drinking.

Now if it was it was sugar/salt mixup, that would have been different.

Li'l Azathoth said...

And, tomorrow morning, YOUR ass will be fiery.

Gen said...

Hmmm...Spicy Iced Tea? Sounds interesting.

mongolian yak said...

i sense a revenge is being plotted right now :p

Anonymous said...

"And, tomorrow morning, YOUR ass will be fiery."

That's right, Li'l Azathoth, it burns coming out, too! LOL.

ERP said...

At least they did not whiz in it.

The Duchess said...

I think your staff needs a raise for making your readers laugh :)

Unknown said...

You can buy granulated lemon juice (also lime and orange) in twee little packets to avoid surprise packaging reuse. It's sold under the brand name Real Lemon and is usually stocked next to the teas; sometimes it's in the baking aisle with the sweeteners.

I buy the stuff online in bulk because they're excellent for making an aspirin-free equivalent of Alka-Seltzer we refer to as "buffer". (Packet of lemon and a pinch of baking soda in a small glass of water. It's handy for neutralizing excess stomach acid when you're pukey. Doubly so when your spouse has GERD.)

Anonymous said...

I blame Ed.

Hopalong Ginsberg

Anonymous said...

Hahaha that'll kick start your morning!

Sandy in Pa said...

Hahaha your ass was on fire!!

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