Sunday, March 28, 2010

Comedy on rounds

I'm evaluating a pleasant, but very forgetful, older gentleman. His family is in the room.

Doctor Grumpy: "He seems to be very forgetful. Is he demented?"

Wife: "Heavens no!"

Daughter: "Oh my God! Is he ever!"

Son: "Maybe just a little."

Patient: "What's demented?"


J-Quell'n said... it!

Lipstick said...


Who's on first?

bobbie said...

Ya think ya need to interview him alone???

Anonymous said...



The Good Cook said...

I would have asked you to "define demented".. you know, one person's normal is another's demented...

thegooddrlaura said...

Maybe you should give the MMSE to the wife, too.

sandy shoes said...

Reminds me of Fawlty Towers.

donna said...

Gotta love family! NOT

WV headspank! How appropriate!
I bet you did alot of that!

stewbert said...

that sounds like our discussions about my dad!! hahahaha

Anonymous said...

What was the question?

terri c said...

My doc says as long as I can remember the word "Alzheimer's" I don't have it. I asked her if it would be cheating to hang up posters with the word spelled phonetically. She said no.

Maha said...

Conversations like this are the perks of our jobs!

sammi said...

Actually reminds me of Monty Python: "You are dressed as a witch!" "They dressed me like this!" "Well?" "No!" "Yes!" "A bit!"

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