Friday, March 12, 2010

I finally did it

Okay, for all of you who have written in asking me to do Twitter, I finally have. I may be the last person on Earth to have signed up for it. I'd like to thank (or blame) ERP for inspiring me.

I'm going to use it for those moments that are too brief to warrant a full blog post. I promise not to use it to update anyone on my lunch choice, sock color, are other pointless trivia. I likely won't use it more than a few times a week, but who knows.

I am @docgrumpy. You can also, I think, look me up by my email address pagingdrgrumpy [at] gmail [dot] com

(for those of you rushing to add me to twitter, don't forget to check the previous post below- it's another patient gem).


Chrysalis said...

I don't do it either. Have fun with it.

Me said...

Twitter? What about us Myspace whores? We need some loving too. ;-)

Grumpy, M.D. said...

I can't do facebook or myspace. Of the 3 twitter seemed to be the one that required the least time.

Gotta keep my day job.

f8hasit said...

Welcome to the world of 144 bytes.

J-Quell'n said...

How random, Grumps! I decided to jump back on the twitter bandwagon last night as well. I shall follow you immediately!

PS Word verification is inching...that's the most normal one I have ever gotten

Mari-Ann said...

I went into Facebook kicking and screaming and now I have to get on Twitter. Oh well, I did want to follow "Random Shit My Dad Says" anyway.

Anonymous said...

Well, that's just sad. Even though I've always considered myself fairly computer-savvy, I have only a vague idea of what Twitter is. It is computer-related, right? And forget about Facebook. My wife spends enough time on there for the both of us.

TheLittleFlower said...

I hope you keep up with the blog too. I have no idea how to use/ what device controls twitter. I look forward to your blog every day.

Helen said...

You're the second last person, because I still don't have Twitter. Another way for me to waste time at work.

I'll read yours, though.

Anonymous said...

I thought Twitter was something to keep twits amused between vacuous expressions and vapid undertakings.
Is this the origin of the expression "Wow, my life is really in the Twitter"?

Julie said...

nope, sorry not following you to twitter ... :( but i will be here waiting for your regular posts!

Grumpy, M.D. said...

I'm not at all offended by those who don't.

I Heart That! Dance said...

I am overjoyed you're on Twitter! You have a whole gaggle of Irish dancers over there who are regular readers of your blog. Yes, Irish dancers. Probably other people too.

And for those who are wondering, most people don't "tweet" about the totally uninteresting minutiae of their lives the way the media portrays it. If you're interesting, you tweet interesting things and people follow you and respond. For me it's more like having 400 penpals :)

Nice to have one more interesting person on Twitter, Dr. G!

Moose said...

argh, that may be pushing my decision of whether to go back to twitter :)

RP said...

Glad I can check in at both places to get my fix of Grumpy. You're about the only brain doc that I know that has an actual sense of humour.

ABC said...

you should put a twitter feed onto your blog!

Constance said...

Dr. G I just read your reply on ERP's blog about the 90 degree nail that made you sick. I've had several LP's (recurrent meningitis), natural child birth, accidentally had my foot ran over by a car - you get the picture, but the single most painful event in my life was running into my cubicle and my nail on my big toe did the 90 degree angle you speak of. Of course, I had to have it removed, and I cried like a baby any time ANYTHING brushed over the top of my bare nail bed. No socks for 3 months, and showering was the worst. Running water hitting...I'll just leave it at that. Give me some burning Phenergan in my butt cheek any day over having a nail removed.

Matt said...

Ha, you'll be so busy updating all of your fans with this site and on Twitter, when will you ever have time to actually practice medicine?

If you want to hear a bunch of bitching about med school and living in a shitty town, feel free to follow me on Twitter. @mattmccarley

Matt said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Maggie said...

Doc G,
I am a little confused. Does that mean you won't be blogging anymore?
I am trying to untech my life as much as possible, hence no twitter. But your blogs are always a welcome relief to otherwise mundane days!

Grumpy, M.D. said...

I am DEFINITELY going to continue blogging.

Anonymous said...

Twice as much fun-yay,so glad you've decided
to join Twitter!

Obi-Wan Nairobi said...

Oh, Luke! You've gone over to the dark side. How sad.

OMDG said...

What's "twitter?"

Matt said...

I think I finally got this google blog thing figured out...sorry for the "admin" confusion.

Comrade_Bazarov said...

Will you be cross-posting your tweets to this blog for us non-twitterers?

-Dr T.

RxDawg said...

Your not the last. I'm still convinced Twitter will fall out of favor soon.

Grumpy, M.D. said...

TKP- dunno, I'll have to see how to do it.

pharmacy chick said...

i dont know how to twitter, tweeter, or teeter totter, but I am a facebook addict, so much so that I gave it up for Lent! No facebook or farmville for 46 days...AACKK

Grumpy, M.D. said...

Ok, I figured it out (wasn't that hard). So the twitter feed is on the bottom right sidebar.

Mira said...

No twitter for me either. I *just* got on facebook about a week ago. For some reason I'm a teeny bit afraid of twitter.

Just a teeny bit. ^_^

RSDS said...

I am not on twitter, either.

I do not trust any of the social-networking sites.

verification: duledr - is that two doctors duleing? or a doctor with a split personality?


Anonymous said...

If this means more Dr. Grumpy, we're all for it! BTW, your blog link from Twitter has a typo...

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