Monday, April 5, 2010

Tourism 101

Dr. Grumpy: "It's good to see you back. How was your adventure cruise to Antarctica?"

Mrs. South: "It was incredible! Oh my God! Did you know they have Penguins there? Like LOTS of them? It's unbelievable! More than they have at Seaworld!"


FloridaDienerMadchen said...

bahahah how cute is that :)

instant student said...

Would be sad if not, huh?

Anonymous said...

But the refreshment stands suck.

Cthulhu Sashimi said...

"But I never did figure out where all the ants went. I guess the penguins ate them."

OMDG said...

I guess at least she knows now?

Anonymous said...

If someone 7 years old or younger said that, I'd understand. It's inexcusable when a full-grown adult says it.

Anonymous said...

This is a classic example of a Touron -- tourist mixed with Moron!!!


Gen said...


My kids, ages 5 and 7 both know this. But that's probably due to the fact that they love the movies 'Happy Feet' and 'March of the Penguins'. LOL

Anonymous said...

Dr. G., Maybe she was trying to be funny. And with how your morning started you may have missed the joke

Anonymous said...

I guess the Bible does not mention the penguins from Antarctica.

j said...

I can't even imagine what you put in the chart note for this.

kdoglady said...

I would need a double dose of Sarcasma to restrain myself on this one...

Jess said...

Wow! More than Seaworld? My mind boggles. That's more than the North Pole.

Lipstick said...

That's the comment about "Touron"

also reminds me of going to the aquarium and everyone kept saying, "look, it's the Nemo fish!" I gotta admit, I did it too...

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