Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Dear Dr. Astute,

Thank you for seeing my patient, Mrs. Complex. She's a very challenging case, and I'm glad you were willing to provide your expertise.

And you certainly didn't disappoint.

Your impression of her condition, with all of it's details, showed such remarkable deductive reasoning and was so brilliantly detailed, that I realize there was no way I'd ever have come to such a conclusion.

Yes, folks. That's the entirety of his impression and plan. The only thing I took out is the good doctor's name.


Cthulhu Sashimi said...

Don't forget to include him as a co-author when you write this up for a journal.

Anonymous said...

Maybe he works in a Medicare mill and is pressured to see as many patients as possible.

terri c said...

Good heavens! And what is Dr. Astute's fee for a consult?

Jess said...

I'm sure she will be better within a week....maybe.

Anonymous said...

On the other hand, you have to admire his honesty. Instead of dissembling and speculating, he comes right out and tells you he doesn't know.

jamiegirl said...

Sometimes the concept "jury of our peers," is not all that it's cracked up to be. Here's proof...

FloridaDienerMadchen said...

BAHAHAH. nice.

MayB2patientPt said...

Hmmm...If that was an ID specialist, I think I may have seen him with multiple tick-borne infections.

Thank goodness there were others with a clue & his lack of knowledge had been made apparent by his oh-so-brilliant comeback "Well that's what they're teaching at all the major Universities!"

I believe that his ASSessment cost somewhere around $380. Nice work - if you can get it.

You and your patient have my deepest sympathy. I hope you can find a better answer elsewhere.

Terry Kennedy said...

Years ago (maybe early 80's) the hospital my grandfather was admitted to was testing a very early computerized diagnosis system in parallel with physician diagnosis.

The staff input all the test results and waited patiently for the computer's response:


(printers didn't have lower case in those days)

Pink said...

Or as Dr. Redundant would have stated,

- Unspecified Diagnosis, NOS.


WF: valurend. LOL!

The Nice Lady said...

...that's my EXACT problem right there.

Now what?

Anonymous said...

I'll bet his consultation fee was pretty specific.

Anonymous said...

you should be reassured that this excellent physician is also stumped. letter to follow.

Morris said...

So it's not only the patients that are a worry...

Anonymous said...

Yes, thank you. And this is why it took three years to get a pulmonologist to diagnose my extremely rare breathing problem which was blatantly obvious with a CT scan.

And you know, seeing all those doctors took a whole lot of time and money too...and I could never tell if this would be the visit where I would actually get somewhere.

I do understand these things are complex...but am glad this lady has you to watch out for her....

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