Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Methinks I smell a rat

Annie: "Dr. Grumpy's office, this is Annie."

Mr. Gad: "Hi, I saw Dr. Grumpy a few years ago, and am worried about my records there."

Annie: "What's the problem?"

Mr. Gad: "Well, I'm concerned they might affect a legal action I'm in, and would like to change them."

Annie: "We can't change records, sir. If you feel something is incorrect you can send us a letter and we'll note it in your chart, or you can make an appointment to discuss it further with the doctor."

Mr. Gad: "That won't do. I need you to change my diagnosis."

Annie: "We can't do that."

Mr. Gad: "Okay... How about if you shred my chart and destroy any scheduling records, bills, and whatever that says I was there? I'll pay you, in cash, for your time."

Annie: "I'm sorry, sir, but that's illegal, and we can't do that."

Mr. Gad: "Don't you believe in 'the customer is always right'?"

Annie: "That's not the issue here."

Mr. Gad: "Thanks for nothing." (hangs up)


Anonymous said...

For the last time : What about cash is king do you not understand ?

Like really is this rigid adherence to Judeo Christian Morality benefitting you in any way shape or form. If you think so, you haven't been watching the news.

Anonymous said...

So, too late to change the deposition answer...honesty always the best policy...

Jedi Master Ivyan said...

Methinks you should be looking for a subpoena in the near future.

Barefoot said...

Gad? SPS patient? Maybe the anxiety has finally come to a head.

bobbie said...

And they breed & vote...

The Patient Doc said...

I can't tell you how many patients I've had want their diagnosis changed.Usually involves getting some kind of benefit. They want to delete their history of back pain so they can blame it on some recent accident at work, or exaggerate their diagnosis more so they can go on disability or take off more time from work.Its shameful.

Anonymous said...

Mr. Gad could be any number of phone calls from potential clients we get. The first clue is, "If I say my Parkinson's came from this, will I get more?"

Run, fast and far.

Outre said...

I sometimes wish I could burn all of my medical records from past 10 years so I can set myself up with good life insurance, or disability insurance.

But if I ever need to get disability, the judge is getting a box worth of records...

What makes me cringe personally, is what IDC numbers are used for billing.

If anyone were to look through my medical history just on billing codes I have had cancer many times already. (No cancer, not yet anyway).

So let me guess, Mr. Gad has had MRIs showing some changes in spine for some time (likely age/degenerative) and now trying to get some sort of payment/disability following accident/work injury and hoping to gain an edge using the 'injury-related finding' (aka, you are old) on MRI.

Anonymous said...

Oh, the things that you see on Mulberry Street.

Moose said...

Thank you, nitwits who insist "the customer is always right". You provide me with a paycheck.

a.generic doc said...

If you practiced in Europe maybe he'd have a chance. If they can make Google erase events which have been reported, they can probably allow doctors to let patient visits disappear.

Struck by a Turtle said...

I agree without Otre. This is all about getting disability.

cliffintokyo said...

Doc, you need a new sign in your office:
"We perform miracles but we do not rewrite history (or her story, for that matter)"

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