Friday, December 11, 2015

Dr. Grumpy's 2015 Gift Guide

Your Catholic friend didn't get to see the Pope during his smash-hit 2015 "No Mass 'til Hammersmith" American tour, and is very depressed about it. What can you get to cheer her up? A souvenir "My friend met the Pope and all I got was this crappy T-shirt" top? A box of "Holy Whites! The official bleach of Vatican City" ? Or maybe something truly meaningful like...

A solar-powered Pope!

This amazingly life-like statue of His Holiness will happily reside on your dashboard. In direct sunlight (sonlight?) he'll wave at passersby, cheering them with his radiance. And you just know it's made in China, too.

For those of you who prefer the British royalty, you may notice the solar-powered Queen at the bottom right (Leigh, who sent this, didn't get a separate pic). You can make out the top of her blue hat. Like her plastic brethren Pontiff, Her Majesty will stand on your dashboard and wave. I admit I was kind of disappointed to find out that's what the solar-powered Queen was. I was hoping for Freddie Mercury, because I'd definitely buy that. He was awesome.

It's nice to know that, here in the 21st century, the human ingenuity to create pointless gadgets to be unloaded at discount stores is limitless.


Sarah D said...

I'm very atheistic, but I have a solar pope, it's so kitschy that I love it. I bought it new in package from a 2nd hand charity shop.

Packer said...

Wow Sarah D I did not know we had gradations of atheist, from hardly to very. Or is it scaled on 1 to 10, as in I am a #4 atheist I only believe in pagan Gods not Gods of Judeo Christian tradition. Was it a Church Charity Shop, you know they don't allow very atheist to shop there.

How you come up with this stuff Brumpy, You are the Champion, the Champion of the world.

Bobbi said...

I happened to be in NYC at the same time as the Pope. My favorite of all the souvenirs that I saw was a papal rubber duck.

Mage said...


a.generic doc said...

A new verse for Plastic Jesus.

I won't drive like a dope
With my solar powered Pope
Settin' on the dashboard of my car.

Roy said...

Well, you have the titles that are used within most hierarchical churches - "Reverend" (a priest), "Very Reverend" (a priest with a title), "Right Reverend" (a bishop), and "Most Reverend" (an archbishop). Why not the same for atheists?

Atheist, "Very Atheist", "Right Atheist", and "Most Atheist"; sounds logical to me. (...except I'm going to have to go to confession after this post.)

Anonymous said...

Personally, I thought it rude to actually look at just any old tasteless depiction, but I think it was the eyewear that finally caught and held my attention. While I was trying to figure out whether it reminded me of Woody Allen going bald, or Bugs Bunny, I did notice it seemed to be standing on scale, and wondered at the hand gesture, as if it was related to what was seen on the scale. I mean, if we are going to go on about degrees of this, this or this, or this or that, it (the white bedecked figure) could very well be advertising a diet that allows one to lose a little bit of weight or a lot, or, somewhere where the hand gesture seems to be indicating. Or, maybe the thing is attempting to lead a celestial choir. You never know what the heretics are up to when they come up with effigies.

Anonymous said...

Looks like an Italian salute to me. haha

Shash said...

I almost want one. It's great!

RehabRN said...

I had a patient who brought in a set for his/her window. Was very grumpy when they wouldn't move on cloudy days.

He/she said they had around 20+ at home. Who knew they were so popular?

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

Saw these at a bookstore today. They were right next to a Jesus figurine keychain. They had Einstein and the Queen too :)

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