In my career I've caught 5 patients smoking marijuana in the hospital, roughly 2 years apart from each other.
For reasons I don't understand, all 5 times they were in the same telemetry room.
There is nothing special about this room. It's a generic room on the 7th floor, facing the nurses station, but no more or less so than any other room. Different nurses have come and gone. But patients keep smoking weed in there.
Room 7310 is truly one of the great mysteries of the universe.
No one told you about 7320? Where have you been these past eight years? I thought everyone knew about that room...
Is it close to the vending machines?
haha @ Solitary Diner
You did fail to mention how they regularly have Pink Floyd lazer light shows in there.... could have something to do with it?
HahHAHAHAHA Vending machines. Love it.
By caught, do you mean you walked in on them taking a toke or that you just got a breeze of it as you walked in.
Vaporizor ftw!
"It's 7310 somewhere, might as well be here...."
walking in on stoners toking is one thing.
walking in on prostitutes turning tricks while hooked up to IV antibiotics is something else entirely.
I had a patient ask me to take his 2 joints off him before the cops came in to question him...
moral dilemma!!!
You should let the hospital marketing department know -- it could bring in more business. Occupy Room 7310, man!
Well, no else has said it, I'll say it.
It would make sense if it was room 420
Well, every other patient in the hospital is taking drugs, so, why not?
I hope you brought enough to share with everyone!
I knew it! Your Yak Herding business is located in the Hippy-Dippy pockets of Western Oregon.
The smell of weed... bleh....
So, what did you say when you caught them?
Should have brought brownies instead. wink wink!!
It should be renamed room 420
It make me think of Unit 731, where the Japanese performed experiments on prisoners during WWII.
Screw it, hand out MM to everyone. It's better than all those damn pain pills and works tons better than Valium or Xanax. No medical value my ass.
No, I don't smoke pot it dulls my hatred and yes, I live in Western Oregon.
They probably saved a lot on painkillers! And didn't complain about the bad service / doctors / nurses etc 'cause they were just sooo happy!
So you walked in on some patients healing themselves while being within an institution established for profit-making pharmaceuticals? Sounds like some smart people to me.
Is the hospital near Haight/Ashbury? Slightly different scene now, but there are still some strung out peeps hanging out.
I have been disabled since 2007. One year ago I gave up the 16 different kinds of pills. For the last year my life has gotten better. Please Free Weed!
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