Thursday, June 9, 2011

Trouble brewing

I got dragged in to ER last night to see an acute stroke. In the next room there was a 16 year old guy wailing and screaming uncontrollably.

He'd taken the family car without permission. Wrecked it. Knocked over a traffic light, broken both legs. And (of course) didn't have a license.

He was fine and quiet with all this until he found out his mom was coming to the hospital. And then he REALLY freaked out. Not over the wreck... but because she'd see that he'd gotten a tattoo on his chest.

"Oh my God! She's going to kill me! She hates tattoos! Please! Somebody, give me a gown, a shirt, a towel, anything, please, I gotta cover this! Please! Why did you guys have to cut my shirt off? This is going to get me in such deep shit. Somebody! A blanket! Or even a big band-aid! Or something, anything, to put over it."


Anonymous said...

So Mom won't care that he stole the car, wrecked it, didn't have a license, and was seriously injured? Shit for brains, all teen boys have shit for brains. And of course, he never considered any of this before he stole the car...

Anonymous said...

When I got my first of many tattoos I broke a window just to distract mine... or did I get the tattoo to distract from the window? Meth is a hell of a drug... nah!

Packer said...

Nothing like perspective.

My own ER story, my daughter--now RN wanted to know how they treated me at ER, after I knocked myself out cold in a fall Superbly said I--Why she queried, as her perspective was set by her stint in school. I replied because I wasn't on drugs, I wasn't drunk, I was clean and I wasn't abusive to staff--unlike almost every other asshole in the patient category.

Anonymous said...

I don't think, considering the reason the imbecile kid was hospitalized, mom will be overly surprised that her widdle boy got a tattoo.
Did, by any chance, the tatt say I'm an asshole?

OldSquid said...

I thought this was going to be another post about you not being able to find sugar for your coffee and the coke machine being out of order.

PA Honeybee said...

Talk about missing the big picture! What a moron! He committed a crime, had a major wreck which will cost the city $$$ to fix, did bodily harm to himself, and is worried about a tattoo. Hmmmm, sounds like someone needs a little perspective! Unbelievable! (This sounds like something my nephew would do, crossing my fingers he doesn't!)

The Nite Nurse said...

A coworker of mine has two tats one on each ankle. She had kept them successfully from her Mother and had planned to even past her wedding day. However her Mom went dress shopping with her and could see them under the dressing room door. And this is an adult. *SMH*

girlvet said...

uh oh....busted. How do people under 18 get tattoos? Don't you have to show ID?

Anonymous said...

"I told her I was going to save that spot for her!"

Anonymous said...

What a loser. LOL @ Anon who asked if the tattoo said "I am an asshole"! ~Francine

gena said...

So wrecking the family car, severely injuring himself, destroying property, all while not having a license--all that would have been okay with Mom, but a tattoo is going to be an issue? I think I see how the family dynamic works already.

Anonymous said...

"She has the same tattoo, and she's going to sue me for copyright infringement!"

Bethany said...

Loser indeed! @girlvet My cousin got a tattoo at 15 years of age because her friend's mother signed a waiver for her. Fake parental consent. Gotta love it.

Anonymous said...

"It's going to kill her when she finds out that I'm a Mets fan..."

Anonymous said...

"In retrospect, tattooing 'World's Best Driver' on my own chest while I was doing 85 in the right lane of the freeway may have been a mistake."

Anonymous said...

I hope they didn't give him something to cover up with so she'd see it for sure. Also hope she'll tell the docs not to give him any pain meds so he'll suffer and learn his lesson.

Anonymous said...

And he was just on his way to buy her a Mother's Day present...

Anonymous said...

Sadly, she may not care very much, either way. Perhaps that's why he's intent on acting out so much?

Anonymous said...

"On the bright side, she's the one who taught me to drive, so maybe she won't make it here."

Anonymous said...

"On the other hand, isn't it all worth it to express my undying devotion to KRAP-FM's Morning Zoo show? Now I'm sure I'll win those Hootie and the Blowfish tickets!"

Officer Cynical said...

"Hey, that's not MY tattoo!"

Anonymous said...

The tattoo must have been put on when I wasn't looking!
Dude - she's going to kill you anyways.

Anonymous said...

He took the car and broke both legs. Mom may just be thankful he's alive. The tattoo, however, occurred *before* the accident that injured him. I'd say it's some pretty decent reasoning from a teenage point of view.

To the idiot who doesn't think Mom will care either way - parents are not responsible for every single action their children take. I managed to do some pretty stupid things as a teenager, none of which my mother (or father) was responsible for.

If it's not the parents fault, it's the teachers fault. If it's not the teachers fault, it's the governments fault...

arzt4empfaenger said...

Priorities, he has strange ones. o_O

Anonymous said...

ok. all males who did the same or worse as teens, but were somehow lucky enough to have it not end up on public display, please raise your hands. .... uh-huh, i thought so.

Anonymous said...

a major wreck which will cost the city $$$ to fix

Please tell me the taxpayer is not on the hook for this and that this kid and his family are.

pharmacy chick said...

I think the tattoo may be the least of this boy's worries. you may not want mom too near...she just might finish off the job that the wreck failed to do.

watercolordaisy said...


Totally. He's probably right. lol. Once mom is over the shock of being thankful he's alive she's going to kill him. LOL

Anonymous said...

If he has a mom who will really be more concerned about the tatt than about what he did and how injured he is, then it appears to be a case of familial stupidity.

terri c said...

Well, I'd give some consideration to the fact this kid has rattled his brain cell(s) kind of thoroughly and can probably think at most one thought at a time. The fact that he chose a silly thought to think should probably not surprise us. This is not a mental giant...

terri c said...

Also, Officer Cynical FTW!!

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