But in all of that, sometimes we overlook the stupidity that can surround a visit to the doctor, where neither side is at fault.
So I'd like to think my reader Cheryl for submitting this picture.
Her husband went to see his cardiologist. After the appointment he found that the helpful parking garage staff had filled in a pothole behind his truck, and roped it off.

Oh, too F'n funny -- literally a ROFL moment! I go to lots of doc appointments in the big city and must say the parking garages have a life of their own.
I suppose the cardiologist told the patient to reduce stress...
Oh poor guy! I know that would drive my BP up crazy high!
My family's got a mantra for things like this (and most of the posts on your blog): "People are basically stupid."
<>< Katie
All the work his cardiologist did got undone in that moment of stress and frustration.
Someone went a little crazy with the caution tape there!
Word verification: mizedl. As in "This dude was seriously mizedl when he saw his truck like this."
i could totally maneuver that truck around the repair and get the guy out lol!
Thank you for posting my truck on your blog. No heart attacks this day! I actually stood there and laughed until I had tears in my eyes. Then I seriously looked for a hidden camera crew. :-) We love your blog. Keep up the good work.
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