Yes, a few drops of this stuff in the toilet bowl allegedly nullifies any odiforous vapors, and allows them to continue in their belief that their ass smells like roses and cotton candy.
It should be noted that the product only works if you actually shit in the toilet bowl, NOT on top of the tank as the picture suggests.
They have other scents, too, like "Crap Shooter," "Déjà Poo," "Heavy Doody," "Loo-Pourri," "Royal Flush," and my personal favorite "Oh! My Goodness!" They also have versions for pet odors and diapers.
...FOR REAL?!?!
captcha: mints... I wonder if they have a scent for that.
I see it's natural. Is it also artisanal? One would think.
--Queen Anne's Lace
Sorry that this is off topic, but I had trouble connecting to your e-mail. (The problem is with my system, not yours, Dr. Grumpy).
I thought your readers would enjoy this, since nothing says Christmas like a nativity scene made out of Spam:
See http://www.chicagotribune.com/news/sfl-fv-religion-blog-weird-nativity-scenes-gallery,0,38 69396.photogallery
--Queen Anne's Lace
Can't you just put a few drops on top of the tank if you prefer to shit there?
How well does it work with those German "ledge" toilets?
Ugh. I used to work in a HOSPITAL gift shop and we sold this there. It smells AWFUL. Like rotten lemons. I can't imagine how it would make anything smell better, especially if you're sick and your poo is a little off to begin with. We got a lot of complaints because people thought it was cologne and sprayed themselves with it . . .
Nothing says Merry Christmas quite like an upper decker.
Yeah, I would make sure to but it in the tank just in case someone decides to upper deck my place.
As opposed to UNnatural essential oils???
And just why are they "essential"???
Are they, perhaps, artisanal, too?
I know someone who has this...she swears it works!
From the look on her face I think she put a few drops on her tongue. mmmm... minty fresh.
Why is it marketed with a picture of an apparently deranged young woman with little clothing other than an ugly 60s hat? Is that the target market?
Comment from a distressed client after trialing this at the Interior Designer's Office I was temping at:
"I don't think I was supposed to spray it on myself? Was I?"
Yeah. He did. Definitely not a skin friendly product. Esp. in mucus areas. Ahem.
What is WRONG with people????
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