Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Rescue Heroes!

Yes, yet another busy day for the police department and their K9 corps.

Thank you, Outrider!


the real 99% said...

Another hour and the K9 corps might have found corpses. Or maybe they would have had to eat the baby to stay alive.

Anonymous said...

25 feet from the road? The dog was probably disgusted with these people.

RNKaytee said...

I know it seems silly on the face but this would be a scary situation. It was dark, they couldn't find their way out and they were with their 2 small kids. I kind of give these people a pass.

Li'l Azathoth said...

"I saw corn and maze and I figured it would be like the canned foods aisle at the supermarket. I can usually find my way out of that in an hour or less."

Sarah Glenn said...

They took a 3-week old baby for an extended walk in a) an allergy mine field located b) in Massachusetts during October (damp and chilly)? I'm not surprised they got lost as well...

Teri Lester said...

I'm with RNKaytee - baby, dark, no one responding to cries for help? (Owner was gone.) 25 feet from the road - that' the point of a maze, you can't see where you are and there have been so many twists and turns that you are supposed to be disoriented. I would have called 911 too.

Anonymous said...

Sorry. I live about 2 hours south on Cape Cod. Sunny & hot weekend. People still swimming. The owner was gone but not the employees. Apparently they never hollered. Also there's a wire near the top they could have followed out. And it wasn't that dark yet.

Packer said...

I always use the GPS feature on my I Phone before I enter a corn maze. Works like a charm. But my smart phone is smarter than your smart phone.

Anonymous said...

Lighten up, you don't know what state the baby's diapers were in.

Anonymous said...

I didn't get that the place was closed. The owner said they always wait until the parking lot is clear of cars. Anyway, why on earth would you take a 3 week old baby into a cold damp corn field. Send husband on his own with the older child. And yeah, you could just walk down one of the rows to the end of it.
Dr. Grumpy, are you sure this isn't one of your patients? "Hey doc, I could find my way out of a paper bag last week, then I took that new drug you prescribed, and now I can't find my way out of the corn maze."
Can't you just see them launching a lawsuit. "Nobody told me it got dark at night"

Wayne Conrad said...

I've been in corn fields. Picked some corn. A corn field isn't that hard to get out of . Here's the algorithm:

Walk along a furrow until out.

I'm a dumb city kid, but even to me this is a no-brainer.

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