Somewhere, probably in Africa (maybe Asia), there was a meeting.
A branch of the primate family that had started walking upright, and a cousin of the gray wolf, first set eyes on each other. And both realized this relationship had potential.
The records show we've been together for at least 15,000 years, but I suspect dogs (and their ancestors) have been leading us around for much longer. It's impossible not to see how useful they must have been as an alarm system and hunting partner going back to our cave days. And being with us gave them steady access to a food supply. So this has been a win-win relationship from the start. Dogs gave humans a better chance to survive, and vice-versa. So we grew up together.
When humans first came across the Bering Strait, they brought dogs with them. There's even the possibility that they couldn't have made the trip without dogs to pull their sleds.
Most relationships would get old after this long, but not us. If anything, our need for them has increased over time, but in different ways. We may not need hunting partners as much, but their incredible skills for guide/assistance animals, security, search & rescue, and many other jobs, make them invaluable.
Sometimes they can even drive us around (Thank you, Doreen!)
But the most basic part of the deal is still companionship. Humans seem to have an instinctive need for different species companionship. And they like us, too. Because of the nature of the Grumpy household (3 dogs) there is inevitably at least one in our bed at night, and another in a kid's bed. There's something very primordial about dozing off next to a dog. You can envision our mutual ancestors in a cave, with a fire in the background, huddling together with a wild dog for warmth. And as you fall asleep, the dog has one eye on the entrance to warn you of danger.
And on that note, for those of you who didn't notice her name added last month, I'd like to introduce Mello:

How much is that doggy in the window?
Mello is maybe 2 years old, and was found wandering downtown Grumpyville by employees at Mrs. Grumpy's job. She had no collar or chip, and after combing through multiple lost pet sites, and looking for "lost dog" signs, we were unable to locate her owner. So she has now joined Snowball and Cooper in the Grumpy insane asylum.

Making herself at home.
She is an awesome dog, and we are lucky to have her. Great dogs can be found anywhere. All of the Grumpy dogs have been rescue animals, and if you're looking for a new companion, I recommend adopting from your local shelter.
You (and your new friend) will be thankful you did.
Happy Thanksgiving everyone!
Welcome Mello!
I love dogs.
That's really wonderful.
My Roommate and I have one cat each. They were both rescues and I have never met two friendlier little beasties. Rescuing animals is the best way to go.
Lots of poeple say their pets are good for nothin'. We say our dogs are good for lovin'.
Mello is lovely! We adopted a 3-month old mutt from the shelter last summer and she’s been a wonderful pet. She almost has my children trained to keep their things put away. They’ve had to take what’s-left-of-their-homework to school in a zip-lock bag more than once. Your Mello and our Gracie have much to be thankful for. It was very difficult to walk away from the shelter with only one dog.
Great post for Thanksgiving. Shelter dogs everywhere thank you!
(owner of three dogs, two of which are shelter/rescue dogs, and all future ones will be)
Welcome, Mello! She is just the kind of dog I wish I could have. Unfortunately, my tiny garden and open-plan home make it impossible.
What a happy looking dog! And who says animals can't be thankful around the holidays?! I'm sure this one is very thankful to have found a wonderful new home.
A couple of days ago I had a job interview that could have gone better. It is literally the job I have wanted for 18 years, but I'd say there is only a 5% chance that I will get it. One shot deal.
So, as I was lying awake at 2:00 this morning thinking of dazzling and true answers to the questions I muffed, it was great comfort to have Dixie to snuggle up to so I wouldn't need to disturb the wife.
There are only three things that I would not trade for that job: my wife and my two dogs.
Bless you for adopting Mello ~ I know she's giving thanks!!!
I have a 2 year old mutt I adopted from a rescue and she is the best dog I could ask for.
We have cats, a species that is apparently infinitely patient as they strive to bend our wills to their needs. But we love them anyway. Love dogs also. The story about the dog by his "owners" grave in China sums it up.
What a cuddly-looking doggy! Adopting rescues always seems to result in the most loving pets.
On a hunting trip in South Dakota the greenhorns were given a version of the Standard Lecture by The Guide and Experienced Hunters.
Guide: We have a blue sky rule for shooting. If the bird isn't against the sky, you don't shoot.
Greenhorns nod and murmur affirmatives.
Guide: Also you may have heard that we love our dogs better than we love our wives.
Old Hunter: Yeah, that's true.
Other Old Hunter: Hell, I get a new wife most anytime, but a real good dog is hard to find!
Greenhorns roar approval.
My dog is always glad to see me when I come home. He's always sorry to see me leave without him. He's good company and he's never complained about anything.
She looks like her name suits her :-)
My husband has come to visit for Thanksgiving and he brought my dog to stay for the next few days. I've missed him like crazy!
Humane society animals are the best animals. Three of my four furry beasties are from a local shelter and I echo the recommendation to get your animals there. Save a dog or cat, gain a joy for life.
She looks like a real lover. When I adopted my third dog, I was told that meant I had a pack. So, congrats on your pack. Enjoy!
I had noticed Mello in you dog list, and was wondering when you were going to introduce us to her.
Congratulations! How are the three getting along? Any dominance disputes? Have they determined which human belongs to which dog yet?
Bless you for giving a good home to another lost dog.
wv= strido: The other dogs taking Mello in strido?
how lovely that you have given her a forever home.
My cats are both shelter rescues too.
I was thinking of pound dogs this very morning while standing in the driveway with our dog watching my husband rinse off the last of the turnips, beets, and onions from the garden--to roast with turkey.
Along the street I noticed families out for their after-dinner strolls (I worked this morning and we'll enjoy a turkey meal toward dinnertime) and dog strollers. I was observing one woman pulled along by canine companions one with appearance somewhat between a samoyed and Pyrenean mountain dog samoyed and the other a tiny Doberman pinscher-type with a docked tail, when the thought occurred to me about how no one in my circle go out and purchase a dog from a breeder just for a specific purpose the dog might presumably fulfill, but most people end up loving the dogs for loyal companionship.
Usually, people are suckered in by friends with unexpected blessings to share with others, or 'finding a dog at the bus stop', or rescuing at a shelter or online notice.
Our dog has been such a blessing, since a woman approached me at an Al-Anon meeting and explained that her new pooch was too excitable to take care of properly and I looked like just the type of person with a little boy that needed a dog.
Dogs have a way of ingratiating themselves once you've met them, even sometimes just a photo will do.
Our dog was a Metropolitan Opera singer in a previous life, in a Kiri Te Kanawa way.
Some dogs must be dropped from Heaven. How else to explain that no one came forward to claim Mello? I have been gifted that way several times; and it is very much a gift. Welcome Mello, congrats Grumpy family.
We just adopted a shelter dog this week! He is super awesome.
Thanks for a great post. As a vet, I get to see the human-animal bond on a daily basis, and it's the reason I do my job. I love all species, but there is something so special about the way dogs have shaped human history and intertwined their path with ours.
Mazel Tov ! !
Hello, Mello!! I love Goldens!
Lovely dog! But remember, cats are good killers of vermin and loving!
*gasp* WHAT A CUTIE!!!!! Congrats on the new edition! :)
Welcome Mello! She's lovely and your post is wonderful.
Aw, Mello looks like a sweetie.
After our dog/dog meeting through the Corgi rescue didn't work out I'm now considering that a lady Lab or Lab mix may be a better fit from our shepherd boy. Our senior lady mutt passed away last month and he's out of sorts being a solo dog.
If only a 'Mello' would appear around here, that would be just about perfect! Good on the Grumpy family for rescuing dogs. There are so many that need homes.
I knew I loved you for a reason ...
thanks :)
I truly believe that someone without a pet is missing one of the greatest joys in life. I always say ours are good for entertainment value, if nothing else.
She looks like a dog that has once been owned by an elderly person - that chilled out looking face, back legs tucked like she's used to sitting on someones lap...what a family to finally find though -yak herding and all. Bet she gives back in spades! Great post.
She looks awesome. I love labs. We have 2 rescue dogs - it's the only way to go. Even if you want a specific breed, you can find a rescue group and save a life.
Our muttnik is also a rescue animal and has proven to be the mellowest, sanest inhabitant in our neighbourhood. Good on the Grumpys for giving Mello a home.
Mello Yellow? Congrats.
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