One of the projects was to make a roughly 4" tall ring-holder out of clay.
Without further comment, I'm now posting front & side views of the ring-holder my son made with the Boy Scouts.

A Blog detailing the insanity of my medical practice and the stupidity of everyday life.
I guess it's artisanal...
I'm still smiling about this. ;)
Perhaps he should start his own Esty shop...I predict he could make a forture.
So cock-a-doodle-do to you too :)
anybody else reminded of the Plaster Casters?
Rock On!
OMG he got the slit at the tip too.
And God created man out of clay. In his own image. *snicker*
Reminds me of that article I sent you about artisinal dildos...
I'm impressed by his WOODwork
Double A or triple ?
I think I will post as anonymous in this instance.
I've seen these shaped more finger-like, with finger nails and joints, so folks don't jump to the wrong conclusions about your recreational passtimes.
He needs help ? Cocky fella, ain't he ?
A genius is born. Is Mrs Grumpy thrilled? Most important, did he get the badge???
OMG! It's Penis de Milo!
Yes, he earned the badge.
Oh shoot -- I laughed out loud at this! And sadly, I'm blogsurfing at work which means that I really shouldn't be...
Oops :)
I'm not even sure what a "ring holder" is. At least I can't come up with a non-mucky idea for what it is.
Future Urologist. Dr. Pissy Grumpy?
They *do* make rings for it ....
It could perform double duty in an emergency I suppose....
well I'm sure Mrs. Grumpy appreciated the gesture...and she might appreciate it more when you're at a conference
That is simply the BEST!!
Super! That reminds me of... A couple of years ago a preschool teacher in Russia got the bright idea to have the kids make cannons out of clay as presents for their dads on the equivalent of Fathers' Day. You can see the results here:
Who has so many rings that they need it on a ring holder that long?
LMAO @ "Penis de Milo"!!!
Uh... what kind of rings did they want this holder to hold?
Oooooooookay. That little apple didn't fall far from the tree now, did it? Hahahaha!!!
Are you going to use it?
Stools, bird houses, tent stakes, fishing floats, cooking fire supports, bulletin boards, figure-four drop traps, cutting boards, sharpening-stone holders, walking sticks, fishing gigs, fire starting kits, clay pots.
But, oh no, not ring holders.
What has happened to the Boy Scouts?
Can't wait to see the artisan ring holder on display in the grumpy house. My mom packed these things up to come out on embarassing moments citing that they were to special to use. You could try that excuse too.
sly sense of humor, that craig. beware
I literally laughed out loud at this! Thanks for making my day!
I'm sure this is how Rabbi Loew of Prague got his start too.
Lost a lungful of artisanal, i mean medicinal, cannabis vapor when I saw that “ring” holder. Worth it-for sure.
Do you think it ummmmm came naturally to him?
Putting the 'anal' into Artisanal.
In our den they had the boys make the same thing, only with a suction cup on the bottom.
Truth be told it's less creepy than the disembodied hands made of bone china that I saw at the antique store the other day.
Also, I hang my rings off the horn of a cow knick knack.
It's not like this is a high brow area of knick knackery.
Just in time for Mother's Day.
Life-size, no doubt. But who provided the prototype?
Ha! It's all in the eye of the beholder...
And reminds me of this. Kids...
Fantastic! Thanks for the good belly laugh :)
I wonder what Freud would have to say about this one. ;-) Thanks for the laugh today... and you can thank Craig for your daily blog fodder.
So, is he going to paint it? If so, what color?
I am glad he earned the badge! Err
is it what I think it looks like?
Great job! BETTER KEEP AN EYE ON THAT ONE!! This is a warning of things to come.
Wait, what kind of rings were hey talking about.....
Of course you are going to show it off on the mantle. In a prominent place. Aren't you? >:->
This made me giggle. And think about the BSA's homophobia.
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