Thursday, January 27, 2011

Failed biology, did we?

Dr. Grumpy: "Any illnesses run in your family?"

Mr. Guy: "My dad has diabetes and high blood pressure. My mom had a hysterectomy."

Dr. Grumpy: "Okay."

Mr. Guy: "Both my sisters had hysterectomies, too. Hey, does that mean I'll need one someday?"


Headstrong said...

;) classic. Obviously really involved with the female members of his family. And way to be worried about that and NOT the diabetes and HTN!

(Wait, genetically male? Once had a new patient with the most beautiful beard, the most androgenous build, the lowest voice (seriously, looked and sounded like Santa) came into clinic with abdomenal pain and it turned out to be cervicitis. Not on the original ddx. Half way through the PE he wondered if it was important he still had his "girl parts." You could literally hear my attending's gears grinding and whirring when I offered my assessment plan.)

Grumpy, M.D. said...

I have no reason to suspect otherwise. Married, with 2 kids, too.

Anonymous said...

Yes. Yes, I'm afraid it does.

SuFu PhD said...

yes you will... here's your leuprolide. come back in 3 months.

jimbo26 said...

Keyboard alert !

Not House said...

"Only if you really, REALLY want one"

Stephanie said...

After my brother and his wife had their fourth child, my brother called his doctor and asked if he could schedule a hysterectomy. She paused, and said "I think you mean a 'vasectomy'."

Don said...

I had an "hysterical-ectomy" when I read this, speaking as someone with both diabetes and high blood pressure.
Fortunately, I keep my Diet Pepsi well away from the keyboard when reading this site...

Anonymous said...

Confusing medical terminology is to blame. Use the vernacular:

Woman plumbing problems.

Man plumbing problemss.

On a side note, anyone ever see a man cringe at the mere mention of vasectomy. Guy I know loves to describe it with things like Shaving area, and testicles held in a vise grip pair of pliers, surgeon takes large knife, a week of ice packs to combat swelling like a cantelope--I literally saw a guy pass out when he was doing his routine at a bar b que.

Firefighter/Paramedic said...

Wow. And they let people like this vote.

Doris said...


AND reproduce!


Anonymous said...

My non-medical husband always jokes that the female reproductive organs are really just male ones turned inside out...however, he does know what the difference between a "hysterectomy" and a "vasectomy" is.

Eesh. I pity his wife.

Anonymous said...

Persistent Mullerian Duct Syndrome, perhaps? Don't laugh, it exists.

Anonymous said...

-ectomy. they always focus on the suffix. Someone needs a course in Medical terminology... LOL - vasectomy could be a hysterectomy, an appendectomy as mastectomy... Hell, what else do you want to remove? Love it!

Anonymous said...

So THAT'S what they're not teaching us???

The Mother said...

I think all men ought to have hysterectomies. Right after they deliver 12 children.

thegooddrlaura said...

I just had a TAH 3-1/2 weeks ago. (Really.) Does that mean my brother should get checked?

Anonymous said...

Was that my ex-husband? I was having some "female" pain several years ago and he said, "Maybe it's your prostate."

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