Saturday, June 5, 2010


In residency, young doclings have clinics, learning how to do outpatient medicine in the hopes that we'll be able to do it when we grow up.

Grizz, another resident in my year, had a clinic epilepsy patient who had HUGE surgically enhanced breasts. She also used craploads of make-up.

Anyway, another resident was getting married, and so we planned a bachelor party for him over at Local House of Boobies. It was a fairly successful event (from what I remember) involving alcohol, topless dancers, a large number of $1 bills, and I think some silly string.

Anyway, at one point I paid a stripper to come over and give Dr. Bachelor a lap dance. So she got started doing her thing, then abruptly stopped. She looked at Grizz and said, "Hey! You're Dr. Grizz! I see you over at the epilepsy clinic!"

Grizz looked like he wanted to die. He turned a shade of red I hadn't seen before or since.

She walked over and rubbed her breasts on his head "You're awesome! I love that new drug you have me on, because it doesn't affect my balance when I'm dancing!"

Then she resumed the show.

Grizz didn't go to anymore bachelor parties after that.


Mark In Mayenne said...

Poor Grizz! What a way to develop an aversion to bachelor parties!

Anonymous said...

Funny how strippers are people too!

Anonymous said...

What an awesome memory! Well, maybe not for Dr. Grizz. But hey, a happy patient!

J-Quell'n said... words...

stewbert said...

oh that's hysterical. i can't even imagine ...

Charles CĂ©leste Hutchins said...

Amazingly, strippers are actually people and not just objects.

mongolian yak said...

did grizz just sit there like a frozen chicken for the rest of the lap dance?

OMDG said...

That's hysterical!! At least she liked the meds he had her on.

Anonymous said...

also doctors are people too and have bachelor parties!!! yeei

a.generic doc said...

And it's probably better for him that he saw her in neuro clinic.

Back in med school days, a bunch of us went to a movie theater that had strip shows between the "films". One of the guys recognized one of the strippers and said, "I just saw her in the GYN clinc last week!"

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Thinking about it, wouldn't it have been much worse the other way around? If she had made an appointment in the clinic just to say "Aren't YOU the one from the weekly strip club...? I never knew you were a doc!"

Anonymous said...

More 'Docling' stories please!!!

Jo said...

I think that's sort of sweet, actually.

Much better than the time a drunk woman at a bar came up and gave me a fortissimo blow-by-blow of how my advice had cured her recurrent yeast infections.

Anonymous said...

I agree with anonymous above.I would love to hear more about your times as an intern or resident. A.Texan

Anonymous said...

great story!

Moose said...


Wait, what were you saying?


gabbiana said...

HA HA HA HA HA. Ohhhh my god.

You know, though, props to her for taking the direct approach. Most people would just, like, practice really awkward avoidance-of-eye-contact for the evening.

(Which would make lap dances harder to sell, probably.)

New Orleans is pretty small. I'm just waiting for one of my patients to catch me doing something stupid.

Dymphna said...

I'm just incredibly impressed that she was on AEDs and maintaining a stripper bod...

(or maybe that's jealous)

Maha said...

Hope she referred him to her other friends!

This is why I'm glad I don't work in the city I live in.

Anonymous said...

My son is a recent high school grad. He and his mates went to the local boob-a-licious place and the stripper came to him and said "Hey, weren't you in my English class?"

He hasn't been right since.

Anonymous said...

Tigermom - I was going to make the exact opposite comment: that doctors are people too!

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