Tuesday, March 9, 2010

20 Questions

Dr. Grumpy: "Any medication changes since you were last here?"

Mr. Brite: "Yeah, my internist started me on 2 new pills last week."

Dr. Grumpy: "What are their names?"

Mr. Brite: "Ummm... One starts with 'M', and the other with 'S'. Do you know those?"

Dr. Grumpy: "No. What do you take them for?"

Mr. Brite: "Not sure. But they're both round. Does that help?"


Simply Donna...... said...

I work in a Doctor's office and we get that crap all that time. Patients are always amazed that I can't read their minds.

Anonymous said...

You don't know what the M and S pills are? Come on, Grumpy; M&M's and Skittles?

I go to the Neuro for my bi-monthly appointment any words of advice for me (updated med list as of today, headache log, list of refills needed, list of questions) as to what else I should bring so I don't read about myself tomorrow?

J/K----you can't possibly be my NEUROLOGIST, or could you! LOL!

Have a good night, Grumps!

thegooddrlaura said...

I thought the answer was gonna be: "Dr. Miller and Dr. Smith"

Anonymous said...

I think your secretary-nurse? has to warn your patients of what to bring with them for their appointment.
The people seem unprepared.
She/he does already??

Anonymous said...

"But if you turn them upside down, one says 'W.' The other one still says 'S.' Does that help?"

Anonymous said...

Maybe the 9-year-old knows.

terri c said...

I suppose you could sit them down with a PDR and see if they'd recognize the pills but I don't imagine that'd be any more accurate than throwing darts.

Grumpy, M.D. said...

We tell them to bring an up-to-date med list OR all their pill bottles to each appointment.

They rarely do either.

WarmSocks said...

We tell them to bring an up-to-date med list OR all their pill bottles to each appointment

That OR is great. My rheumy asks for both a list and all the bottles. sigh

pharmacy chick said...

I certainly know this guy...and a thousand like him. I love the ones who say "fill my white pills" and half of his profile is white pills..and YOU KNOW you wont pick the right ones!

TheLittleFlower said...

Even better is when they walk up to the counter and tell me they need the white pill refilled.....

Mike D, the RPh said...

...but they sure as hell always know which ones are their hydrocodone, propoxyphene, butalbital, oxycodone, etc., don't they??

Anonymous said...

ePocrates lets you look up pills by color, shape, scoring and provides a list and photos of candidate meds!

The RPh said...

Yes, as a matter of fact, that did narrow it right on down for me! There are only TWO white round pills with M and S on them! NO problems now!!! *headsmack*

Grumpy, M.D. said...

The RPh- you're giving them too much credit. They didn't say what color the pills were.

And M & S were what the drug names started with, not what was on the pills

Anonymous said...

You know, I can sort of understand someone going to the doctor without an up to date list of meds if they don't go often (in which case the list should be blessedly short). But I'm guessing most of your patients are returning and you seem several times a year. This is not a new thing. How do they not get this? My cardiologist is the only one of my docs who asks for it (actually asks for the bottles, but accepts my detailed list), but still...

Perhaps the solution to our healthcare problem is requiring instruction in personal responsibility as part of our children's education.

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