I have absolutely no idea how humanity managed to survive so far without it, but now that it's here, the planet can keep rotating safely. We can all be secure in the knowledge that there's finally an enema available for "elective cleansing", "before or after anal intimacy."
(click to enlarge)

Thank you to my reader Amy for submitting this.
Nasty! Did you get this on the "down-low?" ;)
Doc, you have the guts to go "where no man has gone before!"
We follow daily and love your humor.
Well bravo to them for acknowledging the demographic that uses their product. This is in stark contrast to our GI prof who refused to answer how one gets HPV associated squamous cell anal cancer.
ashamed of your dogs anus?
As a frequent writer of press releases, I am going to bet whoever wrote this thought it was hilarious and enjoyed every minute.
If not, what a wasted opportunity.
Being shy and hiding it causes so many problems, thats why at my pharmacy we sell condoms and lube.
There are people to whom this is a serious concern. Perhaps Mrs. Grumpy's patient?
Oh God. Here come all the questions for me. Maybe I can get the techs to field them? LOL
The funniest thing is that the Google ad at the bottom of the article says "When Put To The Test, Maxfilm Outperforms Leading Spray Lubes."
Yeh, I know they don't mean that kind of lube...
Thank you for this insight.
We all know of patients in need of products that just fit their needs. Like the guy who wild-eyed and nervous-looking asked me how to do a 'high-colonic'. Clueless at the time, I asked for details about what he was looking for.
I wish I hadn't.
How about during?
Me thinks you're being uptight Grump.
Although admittedly, they marketed to the wrong type of doc.
For using the product AFTER intimacy, are they insinuating that the thing that is inserted is dirtier than the place into which it's being inserted? How can that be?
I'll never look at the term "douchebag" the same ever again. :-O
Does it leave things smelling like fresh-baked cinnamon buns too? :)
lmao! i don't know what's funnier--the ads, or some of the comments! :-)
not to mention the way they teach future docs to ask questions in med school, which, in this case, would = "A lot of couples practice anal sex and use a natural cleansing product beforehand. Do you use such a product?" i mean, after all, we're supposed to be able to chart whether or not the patient is hygenic....
Aw, HELL no. My word verification is
Holy Crap.
rim vs enema. enema vs rim. a matter of taste
Well, they're certainly filling a niche with this product, aren't they?
So that's what the kids are calling it these days!
*ahem* Interesting.
Ironically, I live within miles of CB Fleet's labs and production facility.
Which is also the home of Jerry Falwell's legacy church and university.
But I'm sure this product has NO market it our city...it's just for export to San Franciso and Thailand, right? RIGHT??
:-) Pattie, RN
Miss Hogtie will be delighted.
Ewwww! I didn't want to know this! :)
I know I'd much prefer the alternative of disgusting, poo-and-bacteria-filled anal intimacy.
oh no they didn't. have mercy. where do you FIND these people?????
What Nurse K said.
They fail to mention that 96% of the population finds this just plain wrong.
Er, Andrea and others: lots of straight (google "pegging") and gay couples (male and female) are into anal sex. Your 96% estimation is WAY too high. And don't ask your friends what they and their spouses get up to in the bedroom if you can't handle the truth!
I'm with Jen. I think this a perfectly reasonable product, though probably irrelevant to you as a neurologist.
Yeah, Andrea. My husband and I are into pegging. If only we could find a way to get santorum out of the sheets!
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