Monday, December 19, 2016

Holiday treats

Craig decided to make cookies this weekend. They were a little, um, difficult, to get off the baking sheet:

Does anyone else think the broken spatula is giving me the finger?

And that's a wrap for 2016, gang. I'm shutting down for the holidays, and will be back in 3 weeks. See you on January 9th!

Thank you all for sticking with me, making comments, and keeping this fun for the last 8 years. Looking forward to 2017!


Ranvaig said...

For next time, pick up a roll of bakers parchment, usually next to the foil and other wraps. And a new spatula.

Anonymous said...

Tip off Craig to the joys of parchment paper.

bobbie said...

Hope you have a great break!

(Is Craig's hair OK???)

Mountain Woman said...

In my household, this would be a minor setback to the cookie eaters.

Anonymous said...

Yup parchment paper. You can get 2 rolls of 520,391 ft each at costco really cheap.Makes clean up a breeze too leaving more time to eat cookies.

Anonymous said...

Happy Holidays Dr. G and to the whole Grumpy tribe! I look forward to enjoying your wit and wisdom in 2017!

bunkywise said...

Happy Holidays and thanks for a 2016 full of Grumpy humor!

Migraineur said...

For a future "steroidal" blog:

You fine need to publish this, it was just the easiest way for me to send it

Merry Christmas and Happy Hanukkah!

Anonymous said...

Have a nice holiday, Ibee! We love you!

clairesum said...

Happy holidays to everyone in the Ibee Grumpy clan of yak herders and cookie bakers!
Thanks for enlightening us in 2016, a year when we all learned the extent of the existential proof of the theorem that you cannot fix stupid.
Your wit and wisdom will be well received in 2017.

Anonymous said...

My oh my, has it been eight years already? Nah. It can't be. Still, it is time for wishing happiness in the new year.

Those cookies really do look like they would be great for dunking, once their surface connection to the pan was severed in a manner that left them for the most part intact. Let's see. Maybe a little water, at a low temperature? Or, is the spatula attached to the pan as well?

Take care to enjoy this part of the year, too, Dr. G and Family.

charles said...

yum! Artisanal cookies!

Anonymous said...

Try a silpat mat! They are affordable, reusable, and have a pretty high tolerance for heat unlike parchment paper which can burn.

Anonymous said...

Happy holidays Dr G! The cookies looks yummy anyway, I would have scratch them and eat them��

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Another vote for parchment paper - and not just for cookies. French bread pizza and no cheese stuck to the cookie sheet. Your sheets will be easy to clean and stay new looking longer. Merry Christmas!

Ms. Donna said...

Second, third and fourth parchment paper. Craig needs domestic skills. Fast. He's off to college soon, right?

Have a wonderful time to the whole Grumpy tribe.

Mage said...

You add to our days. Thanks.

Anonymous said...

I'm laughing at all of the parchment paper suggestions. My DD took some to college and WOW'd the well-educated who had never seen it before.

Seems that the fools in the sticks may know a thing or two about cooking that fine city folk still need to learn...

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. Your blog is the second stop of the day, right after the obituary check. It will continue to hold it's place in the line. More important than FB or the police blotter / class reunion.


Anonymous said...

Sir, Best wishes for a Happy Chanukah and a Happy and Healthy New Year.

C said...

"non-stick" guess its jut a word :(

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