Monday, January 30, 2017

Diet options

Recently I had to go to a research meeting.

While setting it up, they emailed me the following list of diets to choose from:

I wanted to do a mix & match, just to see what they brought me.


Anonymous said...

So what DID they bring you?

Common Household Mom said...

Where is the choice for "eats no mayonnaise"?

Packer said...

Two all beef patties, special sauce on sesame seed bun....

Powers said...

What if I want to have nothing but chicken nuggets and fries every night of the conference?

ndenunz said...

I'm glad Ron Swanson didn't see this list. He'd have had a conniption.

Unknown said...

Good choices. Which ones are artisanal?

Jono said...

Just coffee for me, thanks.

Moose said...

vegetarian, lacto-ovo, eats fish:

Technically, IIRC, that's called "pescetarian" but I knew people (who ate that way) who called it "vegequarium."

Anonymous said...

The mix & match would have starved you out. There would have been an emergency run to the local Taco Bell.

Anonymous said...

At a CME meeting in the multicultural UK, lunch is typically a buffet, with labels as to the ingredients. I cant remember the last time I saw and pork derived foods at such a lunch..

Anonymous said...

Anyone who eats off this menu will by default not survive the coming apocalypse (with or without zombies)

A. Marie said...

As usual, I'm too busy laughing stuff out my nose to make any coherent remarks--except for thanks to the good Doc and all the previous commenters for brightening an otherwise pretty dark day.

John said...

Packer, you forgot the lettuce and cheese!

Anonymous said...

Diet Coke and tomatoes

Theresa B (of Nebulopathy) said...

Dang, you guys get all the fancy choices! I usually have to just find the "vegetarian" option and pick out all the pieces of chicken.

Unknown said...

So, no inorganic food? How rude.

Packer said...

@ John, did not forget, didn't want the ear worm, now you gave it to me. da di da,da did da, di da on a sesame seed bun. Aw crap, now good for the rest of the day..

Join me.

Mage said...

I'm laughing.

stacey said...

The first world has so many tedious problems.

The Bus Driver said...

They'd serve you this:

Bonnie said...

I'm so hurt - they didn't include my low carb diabetes diet. What do they have against diabetics? ;)

Jenetikitty said...

Hahaha, Bonnie. I was actually going to complain about the lack of low-carb diabetic options, too. :)

L said...

"I'm a pesca-pescatarian. I only eat fish who eat other fish."

I've been waiting for the perfect opportunity to use this line from Silicon Valley, and am jealous of your chance there.

gloriap said...

They missed one:

Starving--will eat off the floor

Anonymous said...

Snark aside, I actually appreciate seeing all the options! It's frustrating to attend a conference where the only vegetarian option is a salad of iceberg lettuce.

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