Mary: "Dr. Grumpy's office, this is Mary."
Mrs. Freek: "Yeah, this is Ima Freek, I need to make a follow-up appointment with you. I saw Dr. Grumpy 8 years ago, and need to come back."
Mary: "Okay, hang on... You're not in our system. Are you sure you were here?"
Mrs. Freek: "Of course. I remember your lobby, with all the golf posters, and the golf clubs on the walls."
Mary: "Oh, that's not us. That's Dr. Darth down the street. Let me give you his number."
Mrs. Freek: "No, that's okay, I'm fine seeing a different doc. Can I come in next week?"
Mary: "Sure. Tuesday at 3:00. See you then."
This week
Mrs. Freek: "Hi, I'm here for my appointment. What happened to your lobby?"
Mary: "Nothing. It's been this way for years."
Mrs. Freek: "What did you guys do with all the golf stuff?"
Mary: "We never had that. I told you, that's Dr. Darth down the street."
Mrs. Freek: "Wait a minute... You mean the golf-club doctor isn't here?"
Mary: "No. I told you that on the phone. You said you wanted to come in, anyway."
Mrs. Freek: "I can't believe you misrepresent yourself as part of another office!"
Mary: "Ma'am, I explained that..."
Mrs. Freek: "I'm leaving! This is criminal!"
(storms out, comes back a minute later)
Mrs. Freek: "Hey, I left my cell phone at home. Can you call Dr. Darth to see if he has an opening this afternoon?"