Friday, August 26, 2011

Thursday afternoon: 3:49 p.m.

We were busy yesterday, catching up on mail, returning phone calls, and loading backpacks for school next week.

The phone rings:

Dr. Grumpy: "Hello?"

Mr. Kramden: "Hi, I'm the short bus driver for Wingnut elementary school. I just want to verify that I'll be dropping Frank Grumpy off at your home each day?"

Dr. Grumpy: "Yes."

Mr. Kramden: "Okay, and Carson, too?"

Dr. Grumpy: "Um, who's Carson?"

Mr. Kramden: "He's your other kid."

Dr. Grumpy: "We don't have a Carson. Our other kids are Craig and Marie, and they go to the Afternoon Program at Grumpyville Center."

Mr. Kramden: "Well, my list says you have Carson, and I'm dropping him off at your house."

Dr. Grumpy: "I told you, we don't have a kid named Carson. There isn't any kid by that name in this neighborhood. I don't even know a kid named Carson."

Mr. Kramden: "Look. Who has the list here? You or me?"


Lars said...

So that's where babies come from.

Mallory said...

Sounds like he should be riding the short bus, not driving it.

word ver: sedoings - the result of 'monkey see, monkey do'

Haven said...

Surprise adoption! It's like a really really high maintanence off season christmas 'present'.

Anonymous said...

Good Lord Doc Grumpy!
What the hell kind of father are you? Poor Carson!

DocV said... there a Carson Grumpy now?

Anonymous said...

"Go ahead, drop Carson off here. Then when he doesn't get off the bus at his own house, his parents call call the police and Mr. Kramden can explain himself.". Just document the conversation (date, time, etc.) so YOU won't have much explaining to do to the police.

OR you could call the police yourself to report a kid the bus driver abandoned at your place. Either way, it'll be a short trip to the unemployment office for that driver.

OldSquid said...

Congratulation on your new arrival.

Unknown said...

Seriously, man... face it, the list says so. You've a Carson Grumpy there and there ain't no hiding it. How's he getting along with the other three?

Wayne Conrad said...

IBee, you can pretend not to know Annie, but it's going to be pretty hard to ignore the kid. Especially now that the bus driver knows.

You carefree neurologists never seem to think that your wild lifestyle will catch up with you.

OMDG said...

Sorry Grumpy, I couldn't get past the part where you said that Craig rides the "short bus." I know you didn't mean it that way, but it still made me chuckle.

Anonymous said...

Really? Eeeeeeeeeexxxxxcellent! Mrs. Grumpy can make Carson fricassee... Carson fondue... Sweet and Sour Carson... Carson alfredo.. He's probably 60 ish pounds- hmmmmmmmm. Who will you bring by next month?

Problem solved. They won't bring Carson OR Frank by.

PA Honeybee said...

Wow, the list prevails over the word of a parent? Scary, simply scary. I pick my kids up myself, you may want to do the same.....

pengboo said...

Hmmmm....wonder how Carson's hair looks today. Get Craig right on that!

Anonymous said...

Well you better set the table for six that first night; someone's coming for dinner.

Anonymous said...

please keep us posted if Mr. Kramden does drop off poor Carson at your house.

Officer Cynical said...

To the moon, Alice! Bang! Zoom!

Loren Pechtel said...

The stork sure took a long time with that one!

More seriously, if the driver does this call the police non-emergency line and report a child abandonment.

Marco said...

I have this joke where whenever someone asks me if I have kids, I say "None that I know about." (I'm a woman ;)

Mockingbird said...

Dr. grumpy, you have some NERVE to question the "List".
President Obama is working hard to spread the wealth around and you won't accept one(1) Carson?
I'm strongly suspecting an intervention AND a mental health eval in someone's future.

terri c said...

I think maybe Craig's hair has now got its own name.

pharmacy chick said...

just set an extra place at the table and see if you like him! otherwise just drop him off at the shelter and see if he is microchipped or not! LOL

Lynda Halliger Otvos (Lynda M O) said...

So. That’s where Carson ended up !~! We’ve been looking for weeks.

Anonymous said...

So don't keep us all in suspense...did you or did you not get a Carson dropped off at your place?

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