Wednesday, January 27, 2010

WTF were they thinking?


What the hell, Steve? What about iTop? or iScreen ("i scream, you scream, we all scream for iScreen")? or iANYTHINGELSEBUTIPAD?

Even Failblog got into the joke today.


Helen said...

That's what I thought of instantly. Glad I'm not the only one.

iTop is good, though!

Danni9 said...

Even iTab would have been better. My first thought was female products as well.

BelleinBows said...

I agree, name's pretty damn lame!
Concept=Amazing though!!!

Stephanie said...

Bahaha. Apparently there aren't too many females in the higher-ups @ Apple. Because I know myself and pretty much every other woman out there were thinking, "Yeah, I have pads too!"

Nice to see that you caught it, though.

BriOso said...

I was following the reveal on CNET's live blog this morning. I nearly dropped my iPhone when I saw "iPad." Did they not see the women hygiene product jokes coming?

Anonymous said...

I had the same reaction. But now I'm thinking the knew/hoped this would happen and think they are brilliant.

There are a lot of people talking about the iPad today that wouldn't have even heard of it otherwise.

Assuming it's a good product - time will tell - the name will become irrelevant.

I realized this after being reminded of Nintendo's Wii. Remember all of the "wanna play with my Wii" jokes that were going around. It seemed stupid at the time but now no one cares.

Kimbra Kasch said...

I like the Ipad - it's not just a luxury - it's a necessity, at least for women. ;)

Frank said...

Ok, they have covered two vowels with the iPod, and the iPad, now they need wonderful inventions like the iPed, the iPid, and the iPud....

Lipstick said...

*giggle* totally agree

IndyMom said...

I wanted a tablet from Mac so badly - but I wanted one with the OSX operating system, not an oversized iPod. I am disappointed with much more than just the name. About the name, I think iTab would have made more sense. Oh Apple - now that you are mainstream, you are losing your edge.

By the way - love your blog. I am an MS1 so I change my mind every week - but I am thinking that neurology sounds really great. :)

The Duchess said...

One of my Facebook friends already posted a joke..."I hear the case for the new iPad meets in the middle... so when its open you have an iPad with wings."


Anonymous said...

I saw that one comin.

thegooddrlaura said...

The improved version will be called the Max-iPad.

Anonymous said...

Ohhh, I like i screen!

OMDG said...

iTablet probably sounded too much like a Percocet. Now that I think of it, that would have been BRILLIANT marketing.

Anonymous said...

It's great for writing resumes or expense reports. iPad, indeed.


Beach Bum said...

The name is a bit unfortunate, and the wags are already onto it.

The Mother said...

Maybe they're going for the female market?

Unknown said...

I'm sure the jokes will die down.

It's like snickering to get a legal pad for the heavy information meeting vs the note pad for a light meeting.

Dan said...

So... the word "pad" is now restricted to feminine products? Whatever will we launch the space shuttle from? How will lawyers take notes? WHERE WILL DOCTORS WRITE OUT PRESCRIPTIONS?

Yes, it was kind of funny when 132% of everyone who heard about the iPad went to the menstruation jokes... but seriously, if the product succeeds, this is going to blow over. Apple's marketing department is not composed entirely of idiots, and as soon as they start making the mental comparisons to writing pads, people will stop making the same lame joke. Over and over and over and over again. But I guess we'll still have to endure them for a few more months.

BriOso said...

@Dan- The reason it was so funny is because those who were making the jokes had seen MadTv's parody about 4 years ago.

ERP said...

Heck, if the thing could play flash media, I would not care if it was called Itampon!

Kotex said...

I agree with Anon above...the name has people talking, talking, talking about the product. And that's brilliant marketing.

The truth is, if someone wants this product (and it sounds like a lot of people on this blog do), Apple could name it "Puddle of dog shit" and it would still sell.

@Frank, CPht -

iPed - an Apple pedometer.
iPid - an Apple that tracks and records urinary output.

iPud - now that sounds interesting - wonder if that would be something akin to a Fleshlight.

Anonymous said...

Gizmodo's list of things to hate about the iPad:

1)Big, ugly, wide bezel
2)No multitasking
3)No cameras
4)Touch keyboard
5)No HDMI out
6)The name iPad
7)No Adobe Flash
8)You'll need an adapter for everything-No built in USB port.
9)It's not widescreen
10)Unlocked but doesn't support T-mobile 3-G
11)A closed App Ecosystem-meaning you can only download from iTunes or the Apple App Store. Want to run a different browser. Too bad.

Anonymous said...

the joke i liked was "ipad: for your electronic vagina"

love your blog Dr G

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