Saturday, July 11, 2009

Sea World Question

It just occured to me, while sitting here, maybe one of you can help me out.

In the early-mid 1970's, when my parents took my sister and I to Sea World, the sea lion show (the same one I'm waiting for now) had a trained bird named Pauline in it. My sister and I fought over whether Pauline was a duck (me) or penguin (my sister). I know we should know the difference, but remember we were little kids, and because of my Father's fear of getting sea lion germs splashed on him we were sitting pretty damn far from the stage.

If anyone remembers this character, please feel free to submit your answers or recollections.


Kim C said...

Did it fly?

Yes - Maybe duck
No - Probably penguin

DreamingTree said...

My vote is for the penguin:

"1980 SeaWorld San Diego becomes the first zoological park to breed emperor penguins outside of the Antarctic."

Besides, ducks just don't seem to go with the theme.

grapegrower said...

don't take this the wrong way 'cause i love your blog but i think it's kinda sad that someone on vacation is actually blogging from a tourist venue. it actually reminds me of those people we make fun of who insist using their cell phones on planes, trains, busses and in restaurants and toilets et al. how about u take a proper break, dr. grumpy. am sure your wife and kids would appreciate a 100% of your attention! well, maybe a late night summary of the day's activities would be ok.
as for the penguin/duck question? haven't got a clue!

Grumpy, M.D. said...

Remember, time is relative. Read the column to your right.

Anonymous said...

(Grapegrower...maybe, he's probably noting these things while waiting to use the bathroom or while in the bathroom or when the kids are supposedly taking a nap. A productive way to shed day's weight of tribulations and redress them in a hilarious way--and amuse bunches of people that aren't on vacation.)

PhysicianDispensingCPhT said...

Grapepower, maybe Dr. Grumpy enjoys blogging and wants to include it on his vacation. There are no "rules" of vacation. Just my $0.02.

I am almost certain it was a penquin, Dr. Grumpy. :)

BeckySquared said...

Could it have been a Loon or a Skua, or some other kind of flighted water bird? Something black and white (like a penguin), shaped more like a duck?

The Sea World in Ohio (yes, there was one) did not have a bird in the act. They did have a walrus that my father actually got to pet before someone told him he shouldn't, several sea lions, and a very sneaky little Otter that made the entire trip for me. :) He liked to steal Pop cans.

remclave said...

Humph! I was bitten by a parrot when I visited Sea World in the early 80s. I still have the scar!

And a burn-worthy memory of the walrus rubbing his rather prodigious penis (and yes there were a LOT of human males expressing crude penis envy jokes)against the glass of his above-ground water tank...

Anonymous said...

I vote for puffin myself. Has attributes of both.

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