Monday, July 1, 2024

Reality check

Yesterday I was on my way home from work when there was a loud noise and the Grumpymobile immediately veered right. I pulled into a side street to assess the damage:



So I dug out the spare and its gear and got started, jacking up the car, unbolting the shredded tire, tossing it in the trunk...

I'd just started rolling the spare around to the front when a crew from the Grumpyville fire department drove by. They pulled over and 4 guys piled out. One of them took the wrench out of my hand, another handed me a bottle of water. They bolted the spare on, lowered the car, and put all the stuff back in the trunk in what seemed like 15 seconds (maybe they were secretly an Indy pit crew).

As they piled back in their truck one of them said, "sir, it's pretty hot out, and a guy your age should know better than to do stuff like this."


Anonymous said...

So are you offended, or just glad you didn't have to change a tire the hard way?

Anonymous said...

At least they let you get back behind the wheel when they were done.

Anonymous said...

Did you threaten to beat them with your cane?

Rich said...

That is awesome. Send the station some donuts as a big thank you.

Anonymous said...

Nice to know that there's a neurologist who works on Sundays.

Anonymous said...

Didn’t you tell them your golf handicap?

Unknown said...

I have a daughter whose approach to a flat tyre is to stand by the vehicle looking doe eyed and helpless. Works every time, and yes, on one occasion she was helped by the guys in a passing fire engine of the Herefordshire (UK) fire service.

BobF said...

Heck of a pit crew, eh?!

Packer said...

For years I performed driveway oil changes, brake jobs, etc,etc, matter of course, my father insisted we all learn things of the world, plumbing, power tools,painting,. cars,touch typing. Couple of weeks ago when an oil change beckoned, I wish I had learned how to get up off the ground, I now know jiffy lube.

danielle said...


evodevo said...

Yep..gettin' down is a lot easier than getting back up LOL

OldRPh said...

The day after disc replacement surgery on my neck, 69 year old me and my wife had a blowout on a deserted, wooded country road just at dusk. While attempting to jack up the car a really rough, scary looking guy pulled up in an old beat up pickup.
I'm thinking "Deliverance"
But he greeted us, jumped out of the truck, went right to work and changed my tire.
There are angels out there.

HeroHog said...

I'd be ever so grateful and slightly offended... IF I could get out of the car and get the spare out, much less start to change it!

Tsgt Joe said...

The first time a young lady held the door for me, I was somewhat taken aback. Today, age 75, 2 weeks post shoulder replacement surgery, I would appreciate those courtesies. In fact I'm appreciative that my son is over, mowing my yard.

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