Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Full service neurology

I'm between patients when Mary tells me a doctor is on hold.

Dr. Grumpy: "This is Dr. Grumpy."

Dr. Veoli: "Hi, this is Al Veoli, the pulmonologist across the street. We have a mutual patient, Don Epazil, who you're seeing for memory problems?"

Dr. Grumpy: "What's up?"

Dr. Veoli: "I'm not sure what to do here. I guess he was going to haul his clothes to the cleaners, but got the addresses mixed up. He took the bus here, and now he's out in the waiting room, trying to give bags of dirty duds to my staff."

Dr. Grumpy: "I'm sorry. His son lives with him, but is out of town this week. Tell him to come over here. I'll call his sister, who's handling this stuff."

Dr. Veoli: "He's showing stains to people in my lobby asking how to get them out. One nice lady is trying to give him pointers. I don't think she realizes what she's dealing with."

Dr. Grumpy: "Okay. Direct him here, and I'll give his family a ring."

Dr. Veoli: "Thanks. Sorry to bother you."

10 minutes later

Mary: "Hey, doc, Mr. Epazil is up front with 3 bags of dirty clothes. He says he was supposed to bring them here to have them done? Laundry WAS NOT in my job description."

Tuesday, July 1, 2014


My daughter left her hairbrush on the kitchen counter last night.

That's not a big deal, but when I first walked into the kitchen, this is what I saw:

Monday, June 30, 2014

Sunday night, 11:23 p.m.

The following message was left on my office voice mail last night:

"Hello, I'm a patient of Dr. Grumpy's. It's Sunday night, about twenty minutes after 11:00, and I'd like someone to call me back. Thank you."

That's all. Never called back with anything more helpful, like a name or phone number.

Sunday, June 29, 2014

Random weekend pictures

All right, time to hit the e-mail bag of stuff you guys have sent in.

First, this was taken at an art museum in Budapest (it's actually the name of the artist being featured).

"On your right is the Sheriff Jim Clark display, and in the next hall are Ernst Zündel's works"

Next, we have this. Apparently telling someone to "go pick up paper towels" at the store is no longer enough. I had no idea the world needed this many varieties. I mean, IT'S A FUCKING PAPER TOWEL!!!

7 varieties of paper towels. For this we evolved from microbes.

Then there's this massage company, who probably should have thought out their logo a bit more carefully:
"The pun sucks, too."

Speaking of interesting signs, I have no idea what this means:

"The counter lady yelled at me. Maybe they mean bitches."

The box makes it sound like they sing, dance, and perform theater:
"I'm trying to eat, and my fork keeps doing the Macarena."

Next is an ad for a group that does bio-identical hormones. The name sounds like they're all clones.

"Did you want to see Dr. Grumpy, Dr. Grumpy, or Dr. Grumpy?"

And last, I have no idea why this company couldn't come up with a better way to say "non-allergic pet food"

"Which end of Fluffy do we put it in?"

Friday, June 27, 2014

Great Public Service Announcements

Thursday, June 26, 2014


Dr. Grumpy: "This is Dr. Grumpy, returning a page."

Mrs. Sikorski: "You saw my daughter yesterday? I was at the appointment if you recall, and you started her on Migrazap?"

Dr. Grumpy: "Yes, I remember. Is there a problem with the medication?"

Mrs. Sikorski: "No. I'm calling because she drove back to college today, and I don't think she's getting enough sleep."

Dr. Grumpy: "Well, the medication won't affect sleep, so it..."

Mrs. Sikorski: "That's not the issue. I need you to call her and discuss how important sleep is, because it's going to affect her grades. She also needs to study more."

Dr. Grumpy: "Well, that's not really my place. I mean, she's 21 years old, and away at college, and..."

Mrs. Sikorski: "Could you at least bring it up at her appointment next month? Also, can you say a few words about her current boyfriend? I don't think he's good for her."

Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Annie's desk

Annie: "Dr. Grumpy's office, this is Annie."

Mr. Valproate: "I want to know why the doctor won't refill my seizure meds!"

Annie: "Let me see... I don't show that we have a request for that. Did you call your pharmacy?"

Mr. Valproate: "Yes! They told me they've sent it to Dr. Intern 3 times, and all she does is say that she doesn't prescribe my seizure meds. So why won't Dr. Grumpy refill it?"

Annie: "Why are they sending it to Dr. Intern? Did you ask them to fax it to Dr. Grumpy?"

Mr. Valproate: "No. Am I supposed to?"

Tuesday, June 24, 2014


As readers know, my roommate for all 4 years of medical school was a guy named Enzyme.

Enzyme was about 6'3" and maybe 190 lbs. He was calm, cool, and confident, the perfect model of the U.S. Navy officer that he is today. Handsome and a ladies man. He knew how splendid he looked in his uniform. He loved the military, and didn't let anything alarm him.

Until one night.

It was, maybe, around 2:00 a.m. I'd gone to bed at midnight after giving up on studying for the day, and was in a deep sleep.

While I slumbered, deeply napping, suddenly there came a tapping, as of someone gently rapping, rapping at my bedroom door.

Med student Grumpy: "Hello?"

Enzyme: "Ibee, are you awake?"

Grumpy: "I am NOW. What's up?"


Grumpy: "Are you okay?"

Enzyme: "I... Need your help."

Grumpy: "It's 2:00 a.m. What's going on?"


Grumpy: "Enzyme?"

Enzyme: "There's a spider in my room."

Grumpy: "What?!!!"

Enzyme: "I said there's a spider in my room."

Grumpy: "What the hell? So squash it and let me sleep."


Grumpy: "Hello?"

Enzyme: "I'm scared of spiders."

It wasn't even that big, FFS.

"Are you shitting me?"

Monday, June 23, 2014


For those of you who don't follow Twitter, I'm going to have to put this up.

My random observation was good. But WhiteCoat's response made it great:

Senior citizens behaving badly

A "Neurology Update" sent out recently by MDlinx. Hazards of leaving the "T" out...

Thank you, Gene!

Friday, June 20, 2014

Postage stamps

While waiting in line at the post office yesterday, I saw this stamp in a machine:

I had a brief thought about trying trying to ask for one at the counter:

"I need a great sparkled fraternity. I mean, a freight spanked fickle lilly. No, wait, a crate mangled fritterfrilly. No? A great teutonic titterwilly? Trait-specific hereditary? Um... fate frazzled hillbilly? Razzle-dazzled pickled lorrie?

"Fuck it. I need a 70-cent stamp."

Thursday, June 19, 2014

How not to get an appointment

Mary: "Okay, Mr. Suidae. Now, let me give you some forms... here's a clipboard, and a pen... I'll need to get a copy of your insurance card. Any questions?"

Mr. Suidae: "Yeah, will you go down on me?"

And no, folks, he had no neurological reason to act like that.

Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Beware of the Dragon

Seen in a vascular ultrasound:

"We're gonna need a really big ultrasound machine."

For non-medical readers: It should have said "left lower extremity."

Thank you, Homebru!

Tuesday, June 17, 2014

12:07 a.m.

Dr. Grumpy: "This is Dr. Grumpy, returning a page."

Miss Myelin: "Hi, I'm a Multiple Sclerosis patient of yours, and I wanted you to know I'm in the emergency room. The doctor here is probably going to call you."

Dr. Grumpy: "Okay... Why did you go to ER?"

Miss Myelin: "I lost vision in my left eye. I didn't want to bother you, so I came right in. I was worried that I should get it checked out."

Dr. Grumpy: "Sounds like you did the right thing. Has the doctor seen you yet?"

Miss Myelin: "No, but they just got me back here."

Dr. Grumpy: "When did you lose vision in your eye?"

Miss Myelin: "About a month ago."

Dr. Grumpy: "A MONTH AGO? Why didn't you call me?!!!"

Miss Myelin: "Like I said, I didn't want to bother you."

Dr. Grumpy: "Did you start the MS medication, the Tyglatfiderexa, that I prescribed 2 months ago?"

Miss Myelin: "No. I don't know why you gave me that. I informed you at the first visit that I won't take narcotics."

Dr. Grumpy: "It's not a narcotic! I told you that. It's for your immune system. Who said it was a narcotic?"

Miss Myelin: "This lady I met."

Dr. Grumpy: "Is she a doctor?"

Miss Myelin: "No, she's the cashier at Qwik-Mart. But I think her boyfriend's dad is."
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