Kapidex is a rehash of Prevacid, a drug used to treat gastric reflux (that's a fancy name for heartburn, huh?)
But Kapidex also treats Non-Erosive Reflux Disease. AKA NERD!!!
(click to enlarge)
There you go! Nerdhood, one of the most socially debilitating diseases known to man, has been CURED!
To give credit where credit is due: this breakthrough wouldn't have been possible without the 1970's efforts of renowned researchers H. Winkler and A. Fonzarelli to bring the condition to widespread public attention.
The data is preliminary, and hopefully more information will be forthcoming. Will the drug cause one to grow a leather jacket? Or make hair follicles part themselves differently? Or alter one's taste in music to something other than "Men Without Hats Greatest Hit?"
And, most importantly, can the drug be dissolved in Diet Coke (uh, not that I'd personally have a reason to want to know that).
(Many thanks to my reader Jason, who sent me the PI for the drug)