Friday, January 15, 2016

It's complicated

Dr. Grumpy: "How are you doing? It's been about a year since your last appointment."

Mr. Optimist: "Going okay. I've met a great girl, and this could be the one. I mean, she threw me and my stuff out of her apartment and called the police on me last week, and I had to live in my car for a few days until I could find a new place, but I think this is part of the road to a stronger relationship."


Unknown said...

For real, Ibee? He said that?

Grumpy, M.D. said...


Packer said...

I never like to laugh at another's misery, but I simply can't stop myself. OMG

tbunni said...

Is there a way to bottle his excessive optimism? If so, I'll take a dozen to counteract my mood after watching the evening news...

Pam M. said...

Total optimist. When the restraining order appears, he will view it as a wedding announcement.

clairesmum said...

ahh, another psychotic optimist!

Ms. Donna said...

You're the doctor, but I think he needs Fukitol. Or an urgent psych evaluation. Or something.

Mockingbird said...

They are both passionate socialists, so there's a light at the end of the tunnel for them!

Anonymous said...

Wait! I didn't think Grumpyville was near me. But that sure sounds like my ex-boyfriend.

jbt369 said...

And nothing says "I love you" like a quick kick to the balls.

Anonymous said...

Dr. G. you must look like a priest. Do you have a clerical collar? Or, is it the shoes you wear?

Anonymous said...

No, wait. It must be that apple green Nehru jacket.

Shash said...

Dear Former Girlfriend of That Guy: Good decision. Change the locks too. Possibly move to a different town.

Unknown said...

Grumpy, you need to go into partnership with a psychiatrist. Imagine the number of patients you could refer to him.

bobbie said...

Sad to say, but I know someone like this guy...

Note to self ~ make sure restraining order is still up to date.

Stephanie said...

Love is blind!

FYI your feed burner does not seem to be working properly, I'm not seeing your posts in Feedly anymore :(

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