Monday, March 14, 2022

Write your own caption

This picture, I swear, is taken from the Disney website, showing a family enjoying the all-new MCU Avengers Campus at Disneyland.

If they're having fun, I can't imagine what the families who aren't enjoying it look like.


Monday, March 7, 2022

Meanwhile, up front

Mary: "Dr. Grumpy's office, this is Mary."

Ms. Young: "Hi, I was referred by Dr. Neverheardofhim, and he says you need to work me in RIGHT AWAY. Like, today. Now."

Mary: "We have nothing open today... I can do next Wednesday, at 2:30, or..."

Ms. Young: "I looked it up! On the internet it says you are legally obligated to get me in, since my doctor referred me urgently!"

Mary: "Uh, no. If you have an emergency you'll need to go to ER. We don't have any kind of relationship with Dr. Neverheardofhim. The soonest I get you in is Wednesday, though I can put you on a waiting list for..."

Ms. Young: "This is terrible that you're breaking the law like this! I'm going to call my cousin, who's a lawyer!"

She hung up

2 hours later

Mary: "Dr. Grumpy's office, this is Mary."

Ms. Young: "Hi, um, I was referred by Dr. Neverheardofhim, I called earlier, and I decided I'll take the Wednesday appointment."

Mary: "I'm sorry, but it's no longer available. We can see you Friday morning, at 8:00, or..."

Ms. Young: "You gave away my appointment? You can't do that!"

Mary: "You never made an appointment."

Ms. Young: "You offered it to me! That's the same thing! I looked it up! On the internet it says you are legally obligated to hold it for me."

Mary: "I'm not going to argue with you. Would you like the Friday morning slot?"

Ms. Young: "This is terrible that you're breaking the law like this! I'm going to call my cousin, who's a lawyer!"

She hung up 


1 hour later. 


Mary: "Dr. Grumpy's office, this is Mary."

Ms. Young: "Hi, um, I called earlier, I was referred by Dr. Neverheardofhim, can I take the Friday morning appointment? Is it still available?"

Mary: "It is, that's Friday morning at 8:00. Okay, what insurance do you have?"

Ms. Young: "Federal United Healthcare."

Mary: "Oh... I'm sorry, Dr. Grumpy isn't contracted with F-U Healthcare."

Ms. Young: "Dr. Neverheardofhim referred me! So you have to take it! I looked it up on the internet!"

Mary: "We don't take that plan, so you'll have to try their website to find a neurologist who does."

Ms. Young: "No, that's YOUR job! You need to find someone who takes my insurance, and have them work me in! It's the law! I looked it up on the internet! I'm going to call my cousin, who's a lawyer!"

Mary hung up

Monday, February 28, 2022

Deep thoughts

Mrs. Seegarp: "My headaches have been terrible the last few months, and I don't know why."

Dr. Grumpy: "Have you had more stress? Or does it seem the Perflukin has stopped working?"

Mrs. Seegarp: "I stopped Perflukin 3 months ago when the copay coupon expired."

Monday, February 21, 2022

Supermarket report

Hi, this is Frank.

I'm still working part-time at Local Grocery, carrying groceries out and pushing empty carts in.

At Local Grocery, and at pretty much all the other stores and malls around town, asshats of both sides STILL feel the need to cover someone else's property with stickers that say "Let's go, Brandon!" or "Dump Trump" or whatever. Usually they show up at night, and sometimes there's more than one layer where they try to cover the other side's stickers.

Can you people please stop this? This bullshit is only hurting me and my co-workers.

Because after you leave, thinking how clever you are for sticking the damn things all over cart corrals, lamp posts, "handicapped parking" signs, and even shopping carts that got missed at the closing sweep, we're the ones who have to scrape them off. So each day the morning shift has to send people out with chemicals and scrapers to deal with it, only to have some bozo put them back up the next night.

You think we like doing this at 6:00 a.m. in the Midwestern winter?

You're welcome to your opinion and your stickers. Cover your car, or your house, or your body with them. I don't care.

But all you're doing here is making more work for me, and a lot of other retail store drudges, from sea to shining sea.

The situation has gotten bad enough that now Local Grocery has hired a guy just to come in a few days a week and scrape them off the property, in addition to the extra cameras they've had to put up in the parking lot.

Those cameras aren't cheap. The guys who have to scrape off the stickers aren't volunteers. This stuff increases the store's overhead, and the same for stores, gas stations... wherever else you do this crap.

Which means that your prices are only going to go up. Certainly, this isn't a big driver of inflation in our world gone mad, but it contributes. And everyone has to pay for the asinine behavior of a few.

So grow up. Put them all over your house, car, and face if you want, but leave other people's property out if it.

Thank you.

Monday, February 7, 2022

Vacation memories

Recently my wife and I were going through photos from cruises we've taken, and I thought I'd share a few:

These buffet signs from the "Department of Obvious."



Perhaps a tad scarier was this item, which falls under "what do we do with all these leftover hot dogs?"

I went down to trivia, and realized I had no chance of winning a key chain:

For those unfamiliar with cruise ship trivia, the game is for bragging rights only. The prizes are generally cheap gift shop crap, like cruise-line themed key chains, beer koozies, golf tees, coasters, and pessaries. Except on Carnival, where it's a plastic trophy shaped like a ship.

One ship we were on had this large artwork in a staircase that, to me, looked like a dead body wrapped in a sheet:


Kind of like Kim Basinger being carried out toward the end of "Last Dance with Mary Jane":

One day the ship's activity guide listed an LGBTQ "delicious lunch feast" with camaraderie. Apparently, however, neither the feast nor camaraderie were to exceed 15 minutes:



This fire hazard is, admittedly, my own invention. It was an improvised set-up to keep my MacBook plugged into the only outlet I could find on the sun deck, using a power convertor and some empty cups to keep the whole thing from falling out.

Lastly, one night we were out strolling on deck, where the pool stand routinely had a cute towel animal on display. That evening we were kind of stunned to see it was, uh, something different.

"I dunno. Maybe they put Viagra in the laundry detergent?"

We were somewhat taken aback that the towel booth had taken an R-rated turn, until we continued walking and saw it from another angle:


That's all, folks!

Monday, January 31, 2022

Medical news headlines

Monday, January 24, 2022

Seen in a chart


Monday, January 17, 2022

Medicine cabinet

Annie: "Dr. Grumpy's office, this is Annie."

Mr. Clueless: "Hi, Dr. Grumpy has my wife on Fukitol, and it's either not helping, or it's making her sick. I'm not sure which."

Annie: "Okay, there's a big difference between those two things. Can you check with her, or just put her on the phone?"

Mr. Clueless: "She's at the casino with some friends, I can have her call you later?"

Annie: "Yeah, please have her..."

Mr. Clueless: "She's taking 2 and 1/2 pills twice each day."

Annie: "All right, it looks like she has both the 50mg and 200mg pill sizes from past scripts. Which size is she taking 2 and 1/2 of?"

Mr. Clueless: "I don't know. What difference does that make?"

Annie: "A lot. Just have her call me."

Mr. Clueless. "I will. Actually, maybe it's the Tidepod he has her on that's doing it."

Annie: "Dr. Grumpy doesn't have her on Tidepod. It's not in his field. Maybe one of her other doctors?"

Mr. Clueless: "Well, it's either Fukitol or Tidepod that she's taking, regardless of size, and it either isn't working or she needs a higher dose. Does that make sense... Actually, I'll just have her call you when she gets back, it will be in about an hour."

Annie: "That's probably for the best."

Monday, January 10, 2022

Best. Wikipedia. Page. Ever.


Monday, January 3, 2022

December 31, 2021

Dr. Grumpy: "This is Dr. Grumpy, returning a call."

Mr. Scan: "Hi, doc, I need to talk to Annie, or whoever schedules tests for your practice."

Dr. Grumpy: "She's off this week, sir. My office message says we're closed until after New Years."

Mr. Scan: "Yeah, I heard that. Um, okay, maybe you can help me... Back in, uh, July, you sent me an order for an MRI. I have to get one every few years to follow up on my meningothingioma whatever, to make sure it isn't growing?"

Dr. Grumpy: "Yes."

Mr. Scan: "Anyway, I've been busy, and I need to get the scan done today, otherwise my deductible starts over tomorrow. So I've been calling MRI places, and none of them can get me in today, and I guess I need an insurance authorization for it, too, so I need you or Annie to get an authorization ASAP, and call one of these places and tell them I'm in a life threatening situation or something to get it done. Let me give you the numbers of the places I've called..."

Dr. Grumpy: "No, sir. Look, this isn't going to happen. Your MRI is not medically urgent, for one thing, and..."

Mr. Scan: "You don't know that! If the tumor is growing I could die from it tonight!!!"

Dr. Grumpy: "Well, it was ordered back in July, as you pointed out. You're the one who didn't call to set it up until the last day of the year. My staff is on vacation now."

Mr. Scan: "It's not like your note said 'please call before Christmas or we'll be closed,' did it?"

Dr. Grumpy: "I'm not going to argue with you sir. The bottom line is that the last day of the year is not the time to call to get a test done that you should have had 5 months ago. Just because you didn't think about this until today doesn't make it an emergency. Call back next week and we'll get it set up for you."

Mr. Scan: "You medical people are all such inconsiderate assholes."


Saturday, December 18, 2021

Shutting down for holidays

See you next year!

Monday, December 13, 2021

Bad Reputation

Dr. Grumpy: "How's your floral business doing?"

Mrs. Dixon: "I had to close down... The pandemic just wiped it out."

Dr. Grumpy: "I'm so sorry."

Mrs. Dixon: "Yeah, I mean, nobody saw that coming, but still... Anyway, in some ways it's been a blessing because it let me open a business that's closer to what I really wanted."

Dr. Grumpy: "What are you doing now?"

Mrs. Dixon: "I'm a psychic."

Monday, December 6, 2021


Mr. Fatherly: "It was really stressful 3 months ago, because my son and his fiancée moved in with me."

Dr. Grumpy: "How are things now?"

Mr. Fatherly: "Better, my son finally moved out last week."

Dr. Grumpy: "What about his fiancée?"

Mr. Fatherly: "I married her. That's why he moved out."

Monday, November 29, 2021

Round and round we go

Dr. Grumpy: "Has the medication helped?"

Mr. Son: "I think mom is doing okay with it, and the staff at the Alzheimer's home tell me..."

Mrs. Mother: "Wait... the place I'm living at is for Alzheimer's disease?"

Mr. Son: "Yes, mom."

Mrs. Mother: "Why do I live there, anyway?"

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