This is why, as a nurse, I take with a grain of salt whatever I read in an electronic record. My doctor's office got EPIC last year and every visit I go I am asked about an allergy I never had but is indelibly on my health record! Ah, progress.......
Kerlyssa and Toni G have seen the joys of electronic records. They should just be glad it doesn't say something like pedophilia or schizophrenia. Because with the internet, EVERYTHING is Forever! And it will be shared, HIPAA be damned!
This blog is entirely for entertainment purposes. All posts about patients, or my everyday life, or anything else may be fictional, or be my experience, or were submitted by a reader, or any combination of the above. Factual statements may or may not be accurate. I could be making all this up. I may not even be a doctor. The only true statement on here is that I probably drink more Diet Coke than you do. A lot more.
Singing Foo!
Twitter fans- you can follow me @docgrumpy
Cast of Characters:
Annie: My Phenomenal MA Mary: My Awesome Secretary Ed: The office fish Dr. Pissy: The guy I share an office with Mrs. Grumpy:My Boss (also the world's greatest school nurse) Frank, Craig, and Marie:The Grumpy Tribe Garlic and Onion: The Grumpy Dogs
Questions? Comments? Biting sarcasm? Write to: pagingdrgrumpy [at] gmail [dot] com
Note: I do not answer medical questions. If you are having a medical issue, see your own doctor. For all you know I'm really a Mongolian yak herder and have no medical training at all except in issues regarding the care and feeding of Mongolian yaks.
Yeah, you know. Never a smoker now.
It should have read: Formal Smoking with bow-tie.
so that's why MDs will from time to time get high on their own supplies! LOL
Perhaps the patient was a smoker in a former life.
Probably had his first and last cigarette while that was being typed.
It's just deja vu all over again.
He didn't inhale.
His record was expunged and he was given a new identity when he went into the witness protection program.
"Me, a smoker? No! I would where did I put those Camels?"
Sadly, I believe this... particularly with smoking's social acceptance dropping like a rock.
(At least pipe tobacco and cigars don't stink up the area, even if they're no better for you.)
This is why, as a nurse, I take with a grain of salt whatever I read in an electronic record. My doctor's office got EPIC last year and every visit I go I am asked about an allergy I never had but is indelibly on my health record! Ah, progress.......
It's probably an artifact of electronic charting systems.
"Oh, you mean TOBACCO?"
How about a joker or a midnight toker?
Meaningful use data right there
Multiple personality disorder?
Schrodinger's smoker.
When my GP switched over to a new system, I suddenly became adopted. That led to a very confusing conversation about family health history.
Mental status: Compulsive liar.
Amazing how quickly people can change their positions during an election year.
He 'acts' like he's never been a smoker, but formally declares that he is former smoker.
Siamese twins?
Kerlyssa and Toni G have seen the joys of electronic records. They should just be glad it doesn't say something like pedophilia or schizophrenia. Because with the internet, EVERYTHING is Forever! And it will be shared, HIPAA be damned!
Edit war!
Which personality?
maybe they were supposed to "check one" and they did not....
Lol, thinking maybe we need to bring transcription back to the U.S.!
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