Monday, June 8, 2015


Later this week, Marie is leaving for Camp Wannahockaloogie to further enhance her skills at pick-pocketing, breaking & entering, and car theft.

Over the weekend I received this email from the camp:


jimbo26 said...

Um , the computer couldn't deal with T-shirt size - M . It wasn't a ' yes ' or ' no ' .

Officer Cynical said...

The missing form is missing?

Jen in Cincy said...

Camp Wannahockaloogie!!! :D

Packer said...

Ah, summer camp, tick bites, poison ivy, swimmers ear and itch, I wish I were a kid again.

Ms. Donna said...


Anonymous said...

Yup, she has already been into the camp computer.....
I'm betting she is earning ice cream money on access requests from camp mates...

"suzie can stay up past midnight, swimming in the lake and take razor juggling advanced placement testing (using her younger brother as target)..."

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