Friday, October 17, 2014

Memories... part 3

Dr. Tallahatchie went home. Because he was unable to use stairs for several weeks, and his apartment building didn't have an elevator, he needed to find a place to stay that was on the first floor.

Which, as it turned out, was my apartment.

So, 3 of us went to his place to haul crap he needed for a few weeks to survive, like some clothes and CD's, over to my abode.

As he waited in the car, he suddenly realized he'd forgotten to tell us to get something else he needed: his comic book collection. So, grabbing his crutches, he got out and hobbled over to the staircase. Since we didn't respond to his yelling, he decided to try ascending a few stairs... and fell. Landing on his recently broken leg.

The leg, fortunately, was covered in such a huge cast that it was indestructible. But it still hurt like hell. We ran down the stairs to help him back up.

He was pale and looked quite uncomfortable. Without saying a word he reached into a pocket and pulled out the newly-filled bottle of Percocet we'd just picked up. He poured several into his mouth, chewed them up and swallowed, then hobbled back to the car.

All he said then was "Wake me when we get to your place."


Heidi said...

Ouch! This made me wince. Good story, hope there's more. You guys were good friends to Dr. T.

Anonymous said...

Dr. Tallahatchie seems like a nice guy ;)

kjax said...

This guy is/was brilliant!

Packer said...

I am amazed that he became head of the CDC, but that does explain a number of things.

skidmark said...

There are priorities in life. Young Dr. Tallahatchie seems to have had his in order.

stay safe.

CholeraJoe said...

So how did a hard drinking, hard smokin' pill popping guy end up in Neurology?

ladyk73 said...

see....I figured he would have ended up in psychiatry ....

Ms. Donna said...

CholeraJoe -- how does a pill poppoin' hard drinking, hard smoking guy NOT go into neurology?

Just asking. ;-)

Anonymous said...

You have successfully demonstrated that doctors can be idiots too.

bobbie said...

I would love to know if Dr. T is still a wild & crazy guy!

Jono said...

Cholera Joe, where else COULD he go?

Bobbi said...

Great story! But, seriously, this guy is scary. He WAS in neurology, not neurosurgery, wasn't he?

Anonymous said...

Cholera Joe,

Maybe I shouldn't be so judgemental, but will be. His behavior even as a say 26 year old would have me running far, far away. Would NEVER want someone who smokes,drinks to excess, or has such poor judgment as my physician, ever.

Guess it speaks volumes as to the maturity levels of young physicians.

Glad he ended up being OK, but it gives one huge pause. Funny to read about though.

RehabRN said...

Cholera Joe:

He was a head case. Sorry couldn't resist.

I'd bet his life outside of this was pretty exciting, too.

Any skydiving, multiple marriages, or STDs involved?

Anonymous said...

Those rascals. When they mature, they've got all that experience to fall back on when there doesn't seem to be any other explanation. (Like what my mother cursed me, I hope he had boys just like him to teach after he grew up a bit more.)

Anonymous said...

So THAT'S why Dr. House walks with a cane...

Shellye said...

He stayed with you? Sounds sort of like when House stayed with Wilson. I can only imagine how that went...

Anonymous said...

Anonymous @ 6:40pm on 10/17/14:

When you look for new doctors do you interrogate them on their past behavior while in medical school or during their residency? If so, I doubt many of them would tell you anyway!

Some of my favorite, most competent and respected doctors are those who knew how to have a little fun & still do! There's nothing worse than a stuffy, boring physician w/ no personality!

MD's are human and as long as they're not committing crimes and coming to work drunk, high or hung over what's the problem? If they're doing their job well and taking excellent care of their patients I'm not understanding what the problem w/ a little fun while their growing up would be??!!

If I'm misunderstanding your comment, I apologize!

gloriap said...

For your artisanal file, from an ad for snake (squid) oil from Dr. Stephen Sinatra, "American's #1 Integrative cardiologist" in USA Weekend magazine:

"Little Pill replaces fish oil supplements"
Artisan fisherman began harvesting a a unique type of squid found off the coast of South America as a primary food supply. In the harvesting they discovered the calamari (squid) unique oil called Calamarine and began extracting the oil to maximize the use of the food.

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