People often ask me "How do I find a good doctor?"
That's a tough question, and it can be tricky. So here are a few tips to warn you that your doctor may not be real. Any one of these (not to mention ALL of them, FFS) should alert you to look for another doctor.
1. A reputable physician's sole listing will likely NOT be in a Bulgarian language newspaper in Skokie, Illinois.
2. A reputable physician generally will NOT be seeing office patients at 6:30 on a Saturday night.
3. A reputable physician will NOT wait for you, alone, in a dark, locked, building with a "CLOSED" sign in the window.
4. A reputable physician will NOT let you knock for a while before letting you in himself.
5. A reputable physician will NOT stick toothpicks in your chest.
6. A reputable physician will NOT give you a bottle of pills labeled "Prosperous Farmer" that expired in 2002 (or anything called that, no matter when it expired!)
7. A reputable physician will ALWAYS have some sort of office paperwork.
8. A reputable physician will NOT jump into his car and try to drive away when you return for a follow-up visit.
If your physician does this, and you paid $150 cash for it, then you must have been seeing this guy.