Flying with 3 kids (and having to make a connection that got canceled, thank you Air Grumpy) is never without drama (Frank's mouth is considered a weapon by airport security), but somehow we made it here, got our rental minivan, and found the hotel. Unlike 2009, it was not located near the local doberman stables.
The only hitch was during our delayed connection, when I had to call the bank for an 8th mortgage to buy airport food.
It's been 2 years since our last visit here, and the kids, as always, are changing. Craig, for example, has developed an obsession with his hair, frequently asking if it looks okay. But all 3 still consider LegoLand and SeaWorld to be at the pinnacle of Western Civilization.
Near our hotel we saw this car, which had apparently been attacked by a flock of seagulls. I can only assume they ran.
To relax after the ordeal of trying to
After that none of us were really hungry for dinner.
In a sad commentary on the state of literacy, this sign is near the hotel elevators:
And I'm too tired to write more.