He panicked, and got off it. He felt like his heart was pounding. He was terrified.
He called my office (NO! I have no idea why he called his neurologist!). Annie sent him to ER. Of course, he didn't go. He drove to his internist instead.
His internist did an EKG, which was fine by that point, and some labs. All fine. So he sent him to a cardiologist.
The cardiologist did all kinds of expensive stuff, and couldn't find anything. So she referred him to a cardiac electrophysiologist. They did more expensive testing of the heart's circuitry, again without any answers.
So after several weeks, 3 doctors, lots of tests, and a crapload of money we knew what he DIDN'T have, but still had no idea why his heart had done that.
Yesterday he came to see me for the first time since this all happened. I asked him if he'd gone back to the gym yet.
"Yeah, I started last week. Guess what? It turned out the machine was broken. It read a pulse of 210 on everything, even when nothing was connected to it."