ER's Mom wrote this excellent post a few weeks ago, and I just have to reprint it here. But I take no credit for it. It will, however, be remarkably useful in my practice (and likely most others).
Levels of Crazy
Been thinking about this for awhile. I now have the "ER's Mom Official Guidelines for Assigning Levels of Crazy".
1. Normal. They exist, even constitute the majority of patients. They make poor blog fodder however, so you wouldn't know that that they even exist from reading any medical blog.
2. Crazy. These are the "fun crazy" folks. A little off, but you don't cringe when you see them on the schedule.
3. Bat-shit crazy. Your stomach drops a little when you see the name on the schedule.
4. Fucking Nuts. These folks seem intent on driving YOU nuts too.
5. Mouth agape and head shaking. You are lost for words upon meeting these folks. Fortunately, they are rare.
ER's mom: Please don't be offended I used this. It was just too good not to share.