Tuesday, September 10, 2013


Due to a serious family emergency I'm going to have to stop blogging for while. I have no idea when I will be back. I will return though, I promise. Please be patient.


bobbie said...

My heart goes out to you and your family ~ take all the time you need.

Funder said...

De-lurking to offer good thoughts to yall :(

peace said...

Hope everything is ok.

Rae said...

Oh no, hope everything is ok! Take care of yourself and your family!

GunDiva said...

Oh no. Our thoughts are with you.

Anonymous said...

Oh no Doc Grumpy, I hope every thing will be alright.. prayers for you and your family.

Jen M said...

Hope everything is alright with you and the clan. Sending positive thoughts your way, and looking forward to your (eventual) return!

medstudentitis said...

I hope everyone's ok.

Your Doctor's Wife said...

Sending you and your family good thoughts and wishes!

Anonymous said...

Hope everything turns out all right.

Lori said...

God speed, Dr. Grumpy. We will miss you!

marialuigi said...

Prayers and strength and good thoughts your way!

Katiep. said...

Coming out of lurkerdom to say that I hope everything goes well for your family.

Lydia said...

I'm sorry to hear that.

Good luck.

bunkywise said...

Our thoughts are with you and we are all hoping that everything turns out okay. You do so much for us; we can at least send our well wishes to you. We will be waiting patiently, promise.

Steve Boyko said...

Best wishes for your family and we'll see you when you get back.

jimbo26 said...

No problem ; take your time . Family always come first .

arzt4empfaenger said...

No need to apologize. Do what is important, we will wait either way. Well wishes to your family!

Mary Hood said...

Gosh, I hope everything works out for you and yours. Take care.

Anonymous said...

So sorry to read this, Dr. Grumpy. I hope things turn out well for all concerned.

MA said...

I'm sorry and I hope things turn out well for you and your family.

Sending out lots of good vibes...

lbparker said...

Praying for you and your family, Doctor G.

EMMomma said...

Ok. We'll be here.

brent said...

Yikes! Sorry to hear it. Look forward to your return.

Emma said...

Hope everything's okay. Take care.

RC said...

Sorry to hear that. Hope everything turns out ok.

The Reader said...

Sending prayers, good thoughts, etc. for your family and yourself.

Steeny Lou said...

Take it easy, Doc. You will be missed, but it is understood. Priorities. Prayin for ya.

Mama D said...

Sending thoughts and prayers your way. Hang in there.

Anonymous said...

You'll be missed.

Loren Pechtel said...

Be patient? I don't want to have a medical issue that makes me see a doc like you!

Whitney said...

Hoping everything is ok. - a regular reader

Cape Cod Step-Mom said...

I hope everyone is ok...thoughts & prayers with you & yours

ladycrim said...

Best wishes to you and your family, Dr. G.

Lin said...

I'm so sorry! I hope things get better fast. I'm not sure what I'm going to do without my Dr Grumpy fix, but make sure to take care of yourself too! And not just the family member/emergency.

Diana said...

So sorry. I hope everything turns out ok.

AnotherFan said...

Thoughts and prayers with you <3

Anonymous said...

My prayers are with you and your family.

RehabRN said...

Oh Grumpy! I wish you and your family all the best.


Anonymous said...

I know I'm not alone in wishing you all the best in everything you're dealing with, Doc. You have lots of loyal readers praying for you and your loved ones. We'll all be here when you get back.

techiechick said...

Oh, Dr. G, I'm sorry to hear that. Hope you and the family are all OK soon.

Mina said...

Hope everything turns out okay! Thinking good thoughts for you and your family!

Anonymous said...

From an avid reader, take care of yourself and your family.

Anonymous said...

Hoping that everything turns out OK with your family. Waiting for your return when you are able and up to the task.

Anonymous said...

Delurking to wish you and yours the very best. My family and I have been through our share of hard times, and I know how it seems to take over everything in life. Take care of yourself and your family. Looking forward to your return.

Anonymous said...

Take good care of yourself, Dr. G.

gin4407 said...

Take all the time you need.

Anonymous said...

All the best to you and your family.

Anonymous said...

Best wishes to you and your family, Dr Grumpy. When you return, we'll be here.

Grumpy, M.D. said...

Thank you all. It will probably be 1-2 weeks.

memune said...

Got your back. You need guest artisan snark, we're your people. (Seriously. I got an advertisement for handbuilt outhouses made from recylced barn wood described as "artisan outdoor environmentally friendly bathrooms." Like there's anything anvironmentally friendly about a cesspit.

Anonymous said...

Best wishes to you and your family. Hope all will be okay.

Anonymous said...

Oh and we're thinking of you too Skool Nerse *hugs*

Anonymous said...

Also delurking to wish you and yours the best. Please take all the time you need!

jen said...

praying. we'll hold down the fort for you.

Anonymous said...

We Love Grumpy! Be Well and we all hope to see you soon!

Luminaria2112 said...

You and your family are in my prayers. May God bless you all and give you strength.

Anonymous said...

Another regular reader delurking to tell you I'm thinking of you and your family.

Christine said...

I will pray for you and your family.

Anonymous said...

Best wishes for you and your family- sorry to hear this.

Anonymous said...

Another one delurking...praying for you and your family. no apologies needed take all the time you need.

rapnzl rn said...

Interceding with the universe on behalf of you and yours. Wishing you strength and peace, Dr. G.

Anonymous said...

Be well, Grumpy Family. Wishing you all the best.

Kimbra Kasch said...

Hope everything works out...take care of yourself.

Mark said...

Do take the time to look after yourself and yours. Come back when ready, we'll keep the home fires burning.

Anonymous said...

Take care!
I hope everything will turn out the best way possible.

Anonymous said...

I will be thinking of you and your family. Tanya

bluetoothbuddha said...

Best, Dr G.

Anonymous said...

Family first always! All the best

ShadowBunny said...

delurking to send good thoughts your way.

The Evil Receptionist said...

Take care of you and yours, Dr G. Hang in there, friend.

Anonymous said...

Family first, but please know you will be missed and you and your family are in our thoughts.

Unknown said...

we will miss you. hope it turns out well for you and yours.

Anonymous said...

I wish you well Dr Grumpy, don't worry about us, we'll still be here. Family always comes first. I hope everything turns ok.


Anonymous said...

Another long-time reader de-lurking to wish you and your family the best. You will all be in my thoughts and prayers.

Anonymous said...

We're here for you! Take care of yourself and your family. Good thoughts heading your way! ~Megan~

Dr Bob said...

Sending good thoughts and my ex-professor's advice to always 'travel hopefully'.

Julie said...

Thoughts and prayers for you and your family. Looking forward to your return.

Harlowe said...

So sorry to hear, best of luck.

Anonymous said...

SO sorry to hear it, fast and satisfactory resolution to you!

stacey said...

So Sorry!
Hope all works out as well as possible.

Anonymous said...

Our thoughts and prayers are with you. Hoping that you return to us soon with good news.

ladydyani said...

I'm sorry, but as a consumer of your blog, I'm going to have to insist that you keep providing me with free entertainment throughout whatever personal problems you're currently suffering.

As I'm a complete stranger who has no interests beyond the internet, I believe it's my right to complain when there hasn't been an update in a while, and I feel I should be pandered to, despite the fact that I have provided no monetary support towards your blog.

Moose said...

Take care, hang tight.

Packer said...

We are all sending positive energy your way, good luck.

sew said...

Sending lots of prayers and good wishes your way.

jrtroisi said...

Your writing is a much appreciated gift that either makes me smile, or think, or both. Thank you.

I prayed for your family this morning, that the storm passes quickly and you all come through safely.

Anonymous said...

Yet another regular reader who's delurking to wish you well. Hope everything resolves as painlessly as possible. Wishing you and your family the best.

Pam said...

Praying for you and your family.

Anonymous said...

Hope everything is ok!


Anonymous said...

Really sorry to hear it - hope everything goes well. Take good care of yourself and yours!

Kitty said...

Take care and take care of your family, Doc. They come first, before anyone else. :) We'll be here waiting patiently when you return. <3 Drop in and give us a word when you get the chance, just to let us know how it's going. We care about you!

Anonymous said...

Colleague, good thoughts going your way - hang in there...

Roni said...

Prayers for you and your family as you face this emergency. God Bless you all. ((HUGS))

Elizabeth Szubert said...

Good thoughts to you and your family, Dr Grumpy. I hope it blows over quickly but in a good way.

Unknown said...

Delurking to send you my good wishes. I hope all is well, and soon.

Anonymous said...

I am so sorry to hear this, Dr. Grumpy, and I hope all will soon be well. You and your family are in my thoughts.
--Queen Anne's Lace

Anonymous said...

Another regular reader delurking to say our thoughts are with you, and we'll be here waiting when you return.

judge_craig said...

Hope all turns out well.

Anonymous said...

Hope all is well.

Anonymous said...

Yet another lurker delurking!
I hope your emergency is resolved well and quickly!

Anonymous said...

May everything fall into place with minimal aggravation.

Holding up you and your family in light and love.


Still Sinking said...

My thoughts are with you. I am hoping that your family is safe and well. I wish you the best.

Medic2RN said...

Best wishes to you and yours Dr. Grumpy.

Unknown said...

Take care Dr. G. We'll be here when you get back.

Anonymous said...

All the best to you and your family, Dr. G. My thoughts and prayers are with you. :)

Anonymous said...

I'm so very sorry to hear that. Best of luck to you and your family during this crisis.

Anonymous said...

Best wishes for a good (and swift) outcome.

Patrick said...

We'll be here. Most of us, anyway.

medrecgal said...

Prayers for you and your family...hope everything will be OK. Another who will be awaiting your return when things get back to some semblance of normalcy.

Mishi said...

Sending best wishes to you and yours! Hope everything works out well.

Ronna said...

Take care of your family, Dr. Grumpy. Sending positive thoughts out your way. Looking forward to having you back but take all the time you need. Family is First in my book. :o)

Chris said...

Sorry to hear that. Best wishes to you and your family.

Anonymous said...

Patiently waiting but beginning to feel symptoms of withdrawal! Good luck.

Anonymous said...

Best wishes to all the Grumpy family

M said...

My thoughts are with you and your family, Grumpy, I hope everything resolves quickly and smoothly-- or at least as much of those two things as can be expected in whatever the situation is.

In the meantime, I'll look for artisinal sympathy cards.

Anonymous said...

Hope everything goes as well as possible.

Anonymous said...

only good vibes from here.

Anonymous said...

Delurking to wish you all the best. We'll be here when you're back. Hope all goes well.

tbd88 said...

But, but, but... how am I supposed to get through MY crisis (which of course is MUCH more important than YOUR crisis) without your blog?! I demand to see a doctor that actually CARES about patients!


In all seriousness though, good thoughts are coming your way from lots of people here, and with this post, from one more loyal reader.

cj said...

Thinking about you. Hoping for a good resolution to the trouble your family is experiencing. Your stories always lift my spirits. Wish I could do the same for you.

D. said...

GoodThoughts and HealingWishes for your family are on their way FedEx in industrial quantites. May you have unexpected good luck.

ArkieRN said...

Sending prayers your way.

OMDG said...

So sorry to hear it Dr. Grumpy. I hope things get better soon.

Unknown said...

Keeping you in my thoughts and will wait patiently for your return.

NurseWho? said...

Hope everything gets better, and that you can eventually get back to normal. Hugs and positive vibes being sent your way from Florida, we will all be here waiting patiently for you to be ready to return!

Óli said...

Best wishes to you and your family.

Christy said...

Your blog is the bright spot of my day. God bless you and give you strength.

Amit said...

Hope your family will be well.

Anonymous said...

Another concerned reader de-lurking to wish you and your family swift resolution to your troubles. Diane092

Anonymous said...

Sending many positive thoughts your way, Ibee. Take all the time you need, we'll all be here when you return.
Until then know that everyone is thinking about your entire family and everyone that's being affected.

Leslie said...

Wishing for the best for you and your family. You are in my thoughts.

Margaret said...

You and your family have my best wishes.

Charles said...

Late to this thread; but still wishing and hoping for the best.

Anonymous said...

Another regular subscriber, you've brought me laughter while i study medicine, the least i can do is send you well wishes. I pray for peace to come to you and your family

Ianto Jones said...

Late but just saw this. My family has severe health issues (PPS and MS) and would be lost without our own beloved neuro; we read your page religiously but in spurts (health permitting) rather than daily - hence the delay.

All our gratitude to you for the joy and comfort you bring to so many, and our sincere wishes that you have the love and support in YOUR time of need, that you have shown so many others.

Another voice from the internet, another family and their SD caring about you and yours.

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