Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Medical research

Okay, I'd like to thank Kayden for sending in another fine example of research.

The journal Alcoholism: Clinical & Experimental Research did a study on tailgating before sports events (football and baseball, specifically). They found that (GASP!) people who tailgate were MORE likely to get drunk than people who don't tailgate.

This came as a complete shock to me. I'd always assumed those people partying in the parking lot hours before a game were sticking to Diet Coke.

Here's the article.


Steelers fan said...

Duh! I mean, who the hell can afford to get drunk AFTER going into the stadium?

Anonymous said...

seems a fine piece of science to me if they could find any difference at all between the two groups of drunks.

terri c said...

This research has destroyed my respect for a Sacred American ritual! Who knew those pots of chili, those snacks and burgers and dogs, were simply concealment for Drunkenness and Debauchery?

Anonymous said...

Ditto that. Much cheaper to get trashed in the parking lot - then water throughout the event. Helps when you have a lack of DD as well.

Li'l Azathoth said...

"So we can finally retire that joke about American beer being like making love in a canoe. This research has been brought to you by the National Beer Council. Next month, look for our upcoming paper on how people who tailgate are, on average, 83.7% cooler than those who don't."

Kat's Kats said...

You mean... you mean... you mean they get drunk before the game to avoid paying the tremendously high prices charged for beer in the stadium?! I'm shocked I tell you, shocked!!

PS According to my husband, the fans of Certain Teams™ do so to numb the pain of having to watch their team come in second place.

Jon said...

Why won't anyone pay ME to do this kind of research? Damn!

Dave said...

"The journal Alcoholism: Clinical & Experimental Research" - pray tell, what would (non-clinical) "experimental research" on alcoholism entail? And how do they recruit grad students?

Anonymous said...

Do people who get drunk while watching at TV have no voice, what about them.

I don't drink , but if things don't improve real soon I am thinking of tailgating.

Anonymous said...

In next month's breaking research....teen girls from low income single parent household who have minimal supervision outside of school and no plans for their future success are more likely to get pregnant than middle class girls from intact families whose parents and extended families have high expectations for success, encourage education and careers,and have a religious affiliations. Film at 11.

Pattie, RN

The Mother said...

Houston recently started requiring people to actually have tickets to the game to tailgate in their parking lot.

Is it just me that is astounded that they had to make this rule?

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