Tuesday, November 9, 2010

"Uh, I'm not buying the melons, just the tomatoes."

Thank you, Sarah, for sending this in.

A grocery store owed a lady a refund after she was overcharged for vegetables.

Why was she overcharged for vegetables? Because there was too much weight on the produce scale.

What was putting the extra weight on the produce scale?

The clerk was resting her breasts on it.

Really. Here's the story.


Anonymous said...

The manager felt the need to handle the matter himself? Really? Bet the journalist just lapped that quote up!

Kim said...

Wait....seat? They get to sit?! I was a cashier at a grocery store in college, and I had to stand for my entire shift. HMPH!

I wonder how much my boobs weigh.

Anonymous said...

Is that your thumb on the scale or are you just happy to see me?

Cthulhu Sashimi said...

"And you can pay for your produce by sticking dollar bills right in here..."

Morris said...

Only the breast..

OMDG said...


Sunny said...

Yes - in the UK it is a health and safety issue. They don't want people getting hurt from standing too much,so stores are required to provide chairs. Some people still stand, but it's nice to have the option.

Anonymous said...

breast reduction. a good surgery. it works. it is safe. most patients are very happy. make that almost all patients are ecstatic. hard to beat. even with a stick.

Anonymous said...

Melons are extra.

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