Friday, November 5, 2010

Now THIS is news

With all the hoopla over the election results this week, people are losing track of what constitutes REAL news stories.

Thank you to Stargirl65 for sending this in, as it reminds us of the stories that are really important when keeping track of the world around us.

I'm just putting up the link. Because I can't think of anything I could say about this that would make it any more amazing. Be sure to read the whole story, and not just the synopsis.

Click here.


Anonymous said...

the trusty folding hunter buck knife strikes again.

Katrina said...


Anonymous said...

I'd read this story elsewhere, but they'd left out the details of all parties involved living at the 77 Motor Inn, as well as the, ahem, "horrible vaginal odor." Stay classy, West Virginia!

OMDG said...

Nothing like a case of BV to ruin a p*ssy eating party.

Cthulhu Sashimi said...

"NICK OR EAT!!!!!!!"

Anonymous said...

I had to click "More" to see the whole article. After I read it, I clicked "Less", but it was too late. The damage was done.

Donna said...

Someone needs to add more bleach to the gene pool!

Just how strong/awful/disgusting does an odor have to be for a drunk man to notice it? No, don't answer, I don't think I really want to know!

C said...

Yep, this was linked on my swearing Mommy message board. Wrong-just so wrong.

Just how drunk do you have to be to act like that?

Never mind the BV.

The Redheaded Pharmacist said...

I'm sure the police are going to get to the bottom of this case.

Anonymous said...

West Virginia? Should be renamed to West Vaginia. Was this one really ever a virgin? At least the guy complaining about the odour has an intact olfactory (sorry: WV = autory) sense - no need for neurological consult, fortunately! Dr G just escaped a nasty one!

ndenunz said...

In this case BV could stand for "bad vagina".

Anonymous said...

I think my computer got a 'virus' just from clicking on the link. Ewwww

Silliyak said...

What Mike said..... (Word verification soccir)

Moose said...

#%*(% the gene pool, someone needs to add more bleach to my BRAIN!

Thanks a lot, Dr Grumpy. What's the cure for having to stick SPORKS IN MY EYES after reading that article?!?


Anonymous said...

Moose rocks!

Anonymous said...

West Virginia - says it all

Anonymous said...

yes, moose rocks.

Ninja Pharmer said...

I read this whilst eating. Needless to say, I lost my appetite.

Gross. I will now forver associate broccoli salad with a story about the smell of stank p*#%y.

KateA said...

BV...I believe that is bacterial vaginitis. But seriously...I loved the part about how all three of them had their pants down. And the fact that they were all living in the same no-tell motel.

Anonymous said...

Like the OB/GYN on CNN asked, "if your vagina had a voice, what would it say?"

Nectarine said...

Seriously everyone? This is considered funny/gross because it was a female perpetrator, so obviously these men didn't actually feel threatened. Ha ha, vag is gross!
If these details had been published with the roles reveresed, the tone would have been very different I think, and appropriately so.
Sexual assault is never funny, and I really don't see how this article fits the mould of "stupid criminals" we can laugh at. I'm dissapointed it was posted here.

Anonymous said...

I just threw up in my mouth a little. Thanks.

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