Mr. Moore: "I just got a new computer. It has a 1 trilobite hard drive."
Tuesday, September 6, 2011
Must be a really old model
Mr. Moore: "I just got a new computer. It has a 1 trilobite hard drive."
Labor Day Holiday, 4:37 p.m.
Mr. McGuire: "Yeah, I'm all out of my medicine, and need it called in."
Dr. Grumpy: "Okay, I can do that. What pharmacy do you want it called to?"
Mr. McGuire "Well, I normally use TAP Pharmacy, but they're closed for the holiday."
Dr. Grumpy: "There's a 24 hour Pills-R-Us I can call it to."
Mr.McGuire : "Yeah, but my insurance won't cover me there. Can you call the people at TAP Pharmacy and make them come in and open for me?"
Monday, September 5, 2011
Random pictures
Anyway, since I'm busy fixing the barbecue so Mrs. Grumpy can cook a yak, I'm just putting up pictures my readers have sent.
(click on images to enlarge)
First, a reader in Arizona found this headline in her local online paper. Apparently the Mesa School District is trying to find new teachers. And with good reason:

Next, we have this delicious looking snack for neurologists and zombies:

To prove that the "City of Brotherly Love" is still alive and well, a reader from Philadelphia sent in a note he found on his windshield:

And, finally, for those new parents out there trying to save money, Amazon is selling used diapers:

Sunday, September 4, 2011
Sunday reruns
Some patients say "I have migraines". Others say "I get migraines". Occasionally one will use the odd phrase (at least to me) "I take migraines" to mean the same thing (I always want to ask who they're taking them from).
But today I had a lady who used a more, uh interesting, phrase.
When she gets a migraine she has to go lie down in a dark room (which is common). So, for whatever reason, she uses this act to refer to the migraine.
In other words: when she gets a migraine, she calls it "going down".
It is remarkably hard to keep a straight face when the young lady across from me says things like:
"I went down 3 times last week."
"July was awful. I spent the entire month going down".
"I went down on Saturday. I had to do it in front of my kids, too."
And, as she was leaving, she said, "I feel another one coming on. I just know I'll be going down tonight, but have to wait until my husband gets home."
Saturday, September 3, 2011
One morning I was walking from my hotel to the meeting, and stopped at a Starbucks on the way. After getting my order I sat down by the window to glance through a newspaper.
Suddenly an ambulance, sirens and lights on, came flying down the street outside at warp speed.
It screeeeeched to a stop in the middle of the street. 2 guys got out of the front, walked into the Starbucks, and waited patiently in line. They left the ambulance running in the middle of the street (blocking traffic) with the sirens and lights on.
When they got up to the counter, one used his radio and called the guy in the back with the patient to see what he wanted them to get him.
They got their order, walked back out, squealed the tires, and drove away at warp speed.
I was the only one there who seemed at all surprised.
Friday, September 2, 2011
Mary, bring me a strong drink
Dr. Grumpy: "The pharmacist said that?"
Mr. Pill: "No. It was a lady behind me in the check-out line. She was buying cigarettes."
Thursday, September 1, 2011
Wild times
And who can forget the touching romance between a man and his patio table?
This week we had a guy elope with a plastic pool raft.
Part of the problem may be that people just seem to keep losing their undies.
This sad problem of keeping your pants on is even affecting the mayor.
Don't we all
Mr. Son: "Yeah, both my parents lived until they died."
Definitely not my field
Mrs. Whiskers: "Yes, here they are" (pulls papers out of purse, hands them to me).
Her lab values were all abnormal, but the normal ranges listed weren't what I'm used to, either. None of them made sense. I was trying to figure this out when I noticed the patient information in the upper corner:
Name: Sparkles
Age: 5 Y, 3 M
Species: Feline
Dr. Grumpy: "Um, I think these are your cat's labs."
Mrs. Whiskers: "Oh, hang on. I have mine here, somewhere..." (starts digging in purse).
Wednesday, August 31, 2011
Today's tip
Thank you, Don!
Attention patients!
Mary and Annie are NOT your nurses. Just because your nurse is busy doesn't mean you should call my office to see if they can drive over to bring you pain medicine, have someone come fix your TV's volume, or get you coffee or a warm blanket.
So stop calling my damn office.
Thank you.
Tuesday, August 30, 2011
In the news
1. Sometimes being drunk and naked isn't enough. Then you need a raccoon.
Thank you, Tanya!
2. Now THIS is what I call a gardening accident.
Thank you, Webhill!
Dear Dr. Whozawhatsit,

For the life of me, I have no idea what it is. Since you left the name off, I have no idea who it is, either. In fact the only thing legible on it was your name. So maybe it's you? But you're not one of my patients (perhaps you should be).
Anyway, I'm sure these amazingly clear pictures will be of tremendous use in my treatment of their condition, whatever it is. Whoever it is. And whatever the hell it's a picture of.
Yours truly,
Ibee Grumpy, M.D.
Monday, August 29, 2011
Mary's desk, August 29, 2011
Mrs. Krayzd: "Hi! I need to reschedule my appointment with Dr. Grumpy. There's no way I'll be able to make it that day."
Mary: "Okay, when is your appointment?"
Mrs. Krayzd: "I have no idea. Can you look it up for me?"
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