Dr. Grumpy: "This is Ibee Grumpy."
Dr. Doesntrefertome: "Hi! I need you to do a spinal tap on one of my patients. Urgently, like, this afternoon."
Dr Grumpy: "What's going on?"
Dr. Doesntrefertome: "I think she has meningitis."
Dr. Grumpy: "That's serious. You need to send her to ER."
Dr. Doesntrefertome:: "I don't want to send her to ER. Can't you do it in your office?"
Dr. Grumpy: "I don't do them in my office. I haven't had a spinal tray here for years. She needs to go to ER."
Dr. Doesntrefertome: "That's ridiculous! What kind of neurologist doesn't do taps?."
Dr. Grumpy: "I do them, I just don't do them in the office. I don't have the space or equipment."
Dr. Doesntrefertome: "This lady is SICK, dammit! You need to get a tray and do one. TODAY!"
Dr. Grumpy: "Then she needs to go to ER. If she really has meningitis, this is an emergency. She needs urgent evaluation and treatment. Send her to local ER. I can consult on her there. But this sort of thing shouldn't be worked up in the office."
Dr. Doesntrefertome: "This lazy attitude is why I don't refer to you." (hangs up phone)