Dr. Grumpy: "Oh, uh, fine, um, I didn't recognize you when I got in line."
Mr. Lumbarpain: "Yeah, I'm workin' at Local Grocery now. Ya got a Shopper's Card?"
Dr. Grumpy: "Here, thanks."
Mr. Lumbarpain: "Lemme ring this up. Looks like you're havin' burgers. Paper or plastic?"
Dr. Grumpy: "Yeah, I guess. Paper."
Mr. Lumbarpain: "Ya know, my back is still killin' me, and it goes down my right leg."
Dr. Grumpy: "Oh, why don't you call Mary and..."
Mr. Lumbarpain: "Some days it goes around into my groin, too. Got any coupons?"
Dr. Grumpy: "No..."
(Lady in line behind me grabs her basket and runs for her life).
Mr. Lumbarpain: "Sometimes it burns, ya know, like I have a rash going down my butt and the leg. That'll be $18.73. Credit or debit?"
Dr. Grumpy: "Credit."
Mr. Lumbarpain: "Can you sign here? And then when I look, there's no rash, it just feels that way."
Dr. Grumpy: "You should call Mary tomorrow and..."
Mr. Lumberpain: "Nice seein' ya, doc. Hi, lady. Ya got a Shopper's card?"