Wednesday, January 1, 2025

New Year's Day, 2025

"What matters most is how children feel about their uniqueness once they do begin to realize that they are different from everyone else. How each one of us comes to feel about our individual uniqueness has a strong influence on how we feel about everyone's uniqueness - whether we grow into adults who rejoice in the diversity of the world's people or into adults who fear and resent that diversity."

- Fred Rogers (1928-2003)


John Woolman said...

I had to look up Fred Rodgers. I thought the quote might have been one from Carl Rogers (1902–1987). It certainly could have been.

SMOD said...

A lovely, though non-Grumpy, sentiment for the new year. Thank you.

Packer said...

Fred Rogers and others of the inspirational ilk got me through severe illness 10 years ago, every night for 7 months I was struggling with insomnia brought on by prednisone. In the wee hours of the morning I would wrap myself in a blanket to ward off winters chill, head downstairs to the den and the aloneness of my misery . Reading Fred gave me hope as much as any prayer. I achieved remission.I learned that Fred was an actual Minister.
I often think fondly of the power of Fred

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