Last week, for less-than-relaxing reasons, I had to do quite a bit of flying. So I read a lot of P.G. Wodehouse, which is my eternal go-to for travel reading, no matter how many times I've read it before.
On one flight we ran into a fair amount of turbulence and the pilot ordered everyone, including the flight attendants, to strap in, put all tray tables upright and locked, etc.
As we bounced around at 35,000 feet one of the flight attendants got on the microphone and said "Folks, please do not press your call button unless it is an emergency, as movement around the cabin is restricted at this time."
As soon as he said that the guy next to me in the window seat, IMMEDIATELY reached up and pressed his call button (no really, he did. Like he'd been waiting the whole flight for that moment).
Flight attendant unbuckles himself, runs back, and says "are you okay, sir?"
Guy next to me points out the window and says "What are those mountains over there called? They're really beautiful."
Brief pause
The flight attendant says "I have no idea, sir," then turns around and walks back to his seat.
As he's heading back the guy the next to me says "well, can you ask the captain? They're really beautiful."
Typical human. I had several harsh words for this fool, but that wouldn't do any good, would it?
People in coach never do stuff like that.
I don't think it's a class thing. I think it's an alienation thing. I am so disconnected from society I don't care about any of your rules. Some people are just like that.
"Oh and maybe he could fly us a bit closer to the mountains so we can see them better."
Entitlement personified. It's not going away soon.
Last week, he was in the aisle seat and asked the flight attendant for the name of the woman sitting across from him.
Just wait till he starts doing the crossword puzzle.
At least he didn't ask for coffee
So, would he have been ahead of or behind you in the event of emergency evac on the ground? Scary thought.
"They're the Shut the Fuck Up mountains."
I think Marie and Nurse Lily nailed it...
And he votes.
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