Monday, May 27, 2024

I'm not following this

 Seen in a chart:




John Woolman said...

A minor source of amusement, when one has time to waste, is to play around with sentences like this with Google Translate. Use it to translate one’s chosen phrase of butchered English into another language and then translate it back into English. When I did that with this sentence using English to Latin and back I got “He is the patient whom I have followed, in the ascetic, who follows the time in this I will teach”. A positive improvement??

Anonymous said...

It’s folly to follow this fallow fellow.

Anonymous said...

Don't you hate when autocorrect won't let you write "fuck?"

Agenericdoc said...

Following Symptoms... so the patient is a stalker.

Anonymous said...

Is this a resident who is evaluated on word count or do they have a resident supervisor who stops reading after a few lines in the record and assumes the record is good if there's a lot of words there?

gloriap said...

I don't follow....

stacey said...

Possibly urban legend but...
When "out of sight out of mind" gets translated into Russian, it comes out... Invisible Insanity.

stacey said...

ergo sequitur

Anonymous said...

Dr.kamala Harris is in the house

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